Chapter 40

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Harry POV

I was woken by my wife Mal , she jump on top of me .

Good Morning to you , I said .

Same my pirate husband , Mal said as she pulls me into a kiss .

We are free of kids for a whole week , I said .

Yeah , I'm happy about that but , Mal said .

But What , I said .

I really want another baby, since Damian is getting closer to be one, I miss being pregnant and feeling the baby kick, Mal said.

Mal, why didn't you tell me that you wanted another baby, I asked?

Bc Ik that we weren't ready yet and Damian was young, I just gave up, on the whole, another baby until now, Mal said.

If you really want another baby, let's make one, I said .

( Warning Smut Coming Up)

Oh sweet mattress, how I've missed you so..." Mal groan as she  flop on to her bed, dramatically.

"Mmm...I missed you more." I  said collapsing next to Mal, and hugging her close to my body. I wrapped my legs around her's and snuggled my face into Mal neck. Make could feel me kiss up and down her neck. Mal giggle.

"Harry, that tickles..." Mal say trying to hold back more giggles. It would just provoke me even more.

"Oh really? But I'm guessing you don't mind it...judging by your giggles." I kissed more and more.

"Well, I don't hate it..." Mal say. It really did feel nice. I reached the crook of her neck, and nuzzled it with my nose. My body was so warm. It felt wonderful against her's . Mal pats me on the arm.

"C'mon, let's get ready for bed."

"Oh, but I really like what we're doing right now..."

My Hand slyly snuck up the bottom of Mal shirt and rubbed over Mal stomach. My hand was hot and felt great on her bare skin. It slid up and brushed over the lower rim of her bra. It then traveled even farther and gently held her breast. Mal could feel the warmth of My hand through the fabric and padding of her bra. Mal couldn't help but let out a soft moan. Mal could feel My crotch press against her's a little more.

"Do that again..." I whispered into her ear.

I nipped her earlobe. Mal let out another soft moan, knowing I loved hearing her make noises like this. Just for the sake of it, she let out another moan that was just a little bit louder. I pressed more and more against Mal . Mal could feel a slight bulge in my pants.

"Mmm..." I flipped her over so that she were facing me . I pulled her shirt off, revealing a sexy, black, lace bra. The one she knew I loved.

"Oh, my favorite." I smirked and kissed her chest all the way down to the center of her bra.

Mal reached her arms around my back and pulled my shirt off, showing off my toned torso. Mal ran her hands over my back, feeling all of my muscles moving.

her hands then traveled down to the top of my pants and she undid my belt. she pulled my pants down. I threw them on the ground and undid her pants button as well. I pulled them down, showing panties that matched her bra.

"Oh you know just what I like..." I  said smirking and ran my  tongue over my lip.

"Yes I do." Mal smirk back.

Mal then slides her hand down the front of my underwear and hold my hardened partner. I bit my lower lip, trying desperately to hold back a moan of pleasure.I thought her hand felt so warm and pleasurable on my crotch. She pull my briefs down, rendering me completely naked.

"Mmm..." I reached down and kissed her, my tongue exploring every corner of her  mouth.

As I kisse her , I slipped her  underwear off. We were now both completely body felt hot against her  skin.

Mal, My fingers ran over her body.

"You're magnificent. Every single part of you." I ran my hands over her stomach then up to her chest. From her neck to her

"I love you, Mal

"I love you too, Harry.

I held her hips and teased her entrance with my cock. She pant slightly.

"H- Harry ...P-p-please..." Mal begged.

I then began to thrust into her .My speed picked up. I then soon reached my climax.

Mal! I called.

"H -Harry!" she call beneath me .I then fell over next to her and panted. I wrapped my arms around her, and both of them fell asleep in each another's arms.

( End of Smut )

That was awesome, I said as I pull the covers over us.

Yeah, Mal said still out of breath.

So we are adding a new family member to the family if you're pregnant, I asked?

I already know that I'm going to be pregnant, Mal said .

Yeah, you wanted another kid, we didn't used a condom and your haven't been on birth control since Damian, I said.

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