Chapter 72

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(38 weeks)
Mucus plug and/or bloody show. You might have a discharge that's thick like mucus (the mucus plug) and could have a slightly bloody tinge (the bloody show). ...
Diarrhea. ...
Nausea. ...
Contractions. ...
Back pain. ...


I pulled out of my sleep when I feel a contraction.

Oh Not Again, I said as I rub my belly as I shake Harry.

Harry! Harry, I said as I shake my husband up.

What is Mal, Harry said.

I think that I'm labor, I said as I sit up in the bed.

Its time, Harry said as he rushes to get his shoes on.

Harry, get the diaper bag and the car seat, I said.

Okay, I got the car seat and the diaper bag, but what are we going to do with Damian, Harry asked?

The nogitsune daughter Talia can watch him, I said.

( Hospital On The Isle)

Hello Mr. and Mrs. Hook, What Wrong, Dr. Doherty asked?

I think that I'm in Labor since I had Contractions all morning, I said.

Did Your Water Break, Dr. Doherty asked?

No, It hasn't yet, I said.

I might just have been false contractions, Dr.Doherty said.

Oh, I really want the baby to come today, I'm just tired of being pregnant, I said.

The baby will come when she is ready or you might be overdue with her, Dr.Doherty said.

Harry Hook x Mal ( Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now