Chapter 152

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I have to tell Harry now.

I walk into the living room and I see Harry playing with the twins with a huge smile on his face.

That Smile is going to drop when I tell him this.

Um, Harry, I have something that I need to tell you, I said.

He looks up from the twins, the smile fell off his face when he saw how nervous I was.

What wrong Mal, He said as he pulls my hands into his.

Harry, I'm so so sorry, I said as I begin to cry.

Mal, Please tell what wrong, you starting to scare me, He said.

You will never forgive me after what I tell you, I said.

Just tell me what's wrong honey, He said.

I lost our baby Harry, I'm so sorry, I said as I cover my face as I cried.

Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry, It's going get better by time, I'm here for you and I won't leave you, He said as he holds me into his arms.

( three hours later )

I'm still here in Harry's Lap, His arms around me, holding me closer to his chest.

It's going to be okay honey, He said as he kisses my forehead.

I snuggle closer to his chest.

Love, Let's me put you to bed, He said.

Okay, but carried me, I said.

Okay, Love, He said as walks into our bedroom with me in his arms still.

Here you go honey, He said as he lays me down in the bed.

Lay down with me, I said.

Okay, Honey, He said as he gets into the bed.

Get some rest honey, I will be here when you wake up, He said as he kisses me on the forehead.

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