Chapter 15

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(19 weeks )

Mal POV I open my eyes and look over at Harry. I see that he still asleep. I can't sleep because the baby keeps kicking.I put my hand on my stomach try to calm down my son but he continues to kick. I get up from the bed and walk to the bathroom. (twenty minutes later ) I put on sweatpants, sweatshirt, and pull my hair up in a bun.I walk out of the bathroom and walk over to the bed.I am going to let Harry sleep in because he went to bed late, last night. Him taking care of me, like dealing with my moods swings, cravings.It's been a while since I talk to Jay, Carlos, Evie. I get it because when I had told them that I was pregnant. They weren't so happy about that.I guess that they wanted me to have ben kid. Ben and I are friends now but I can't date him ever an again, because what happened.Uma I hate her guts because she stole ben from me. I am letting her have him when I was with him, I have to be like a princess. I am not a princess, I am evil. I was brought out of thoughts when the baby kick.

( sorry that it's really short ) It's been a long time since I updated this book, and I been really busy with updated my three new stories.

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