Chapter 148

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( 9 weeks )
nausea or vomiting.
frequent urination.
tender or tingly breasts.
irritability or unexpected emotions.
heartburn or constipation.
food aversions or cravings.


I was down at the restaurant, I had all the kids with me, Harry was in the back, Gil was out here eating food.

Harry came out of the kitchen, with food in one of his hands, while he had Skarlet on his hip.

So how is it like to be a mother of four kids, Uma said with her daughter Abaddon on her lap.

It's fun and great sometimes, also four kids are handfull when this one is born, then I'm going be really busy with them and newborn baby, I said with my hand on my bump.

Omg Your Pregnant, Uma said.

Yep, I said with a smile.

Congratulations, Uma said.

Thank you, I said.

So how are you feeling since you found out that you were pregnant again, Uma asked?

Pretty good, but just scared that I'm going to lose it, I said.

Don't think like that, You don't need stress right now and that can make a miscarriage happen, Uma said.

Yeah, Uma is right honey, Harry said as he wrapped his arms around me.

Yeah that true, I said as I look into my husband's blue eyes.

I love you Mal.

I love you to Harry.

Harry Hook x Mal ( Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now