Chapter 19

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(23 weeks )
I look down at my hand and see a diamond ring. I can't believe that I'm going to get married to Harry and Having a baby with him. Coupled of Nights that I can't sleep because Damian won't stop kicking and I can't get Harry to help because He usually asleep when Damian starts to kick. It's around 4 or 3 am when it starts. I want this pregnancy to be over because my feet hurt all the time and It hurts to stand and my back is killing me. But I have three months before Damian comes out. I have his nursery ready and I have his outfit out when he comes. Harry had painted Damian Nursery Red and Little pirate ships on it and Damian Crib is Black with His name over it. I had Pick out a black onesie that says Mommy little pirate has arrived. Sometimes I wish that he was here all ready because I want to see what he looks like and wants to hold him close to my chest.

(Sorry that it's really short because I'm still stressed about Dylan )

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