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Sherlock: good morning love

Louis: don't call me love

Sherlock: alright babe

Louis: shut up

Sherlock: no

Louis: tell me who you are

Sherlock: i'm goin' to your school

Louis: really?

Sherlock: no i'm lying ...

Louis: what's your name?

Liar: i'm not gonna tell u

Louis: but why?

Liar: cause it's better if you don't know my name

Louis: alright then ...

MysteriousDick: are you mad?

Louis: no, i'm not

Louis: i don't care 'bout you to be honest

MysteriousDick: ouch

Louis: don't annoy me

MysteriousDick: i don't annoy anyone

Louis: haha good joke

MysteriousDick: Wanna hear a joke?? :-D

Louis: not really

MysteriousDick: i'm gonna tell you anyway

Louis: go ahead

MysteriousDick: wohoo :-)

Louis: stop the nose-thing

MysteriousDick: knock, knock

Louis: who's there?

MysteriousDick: daisy

Louis: that's the name of my sister lol

MysteriousDick: your part ._.

Louis: oh yeah, sry

Louis: daisy who?

MysteriousDick: Daisy me rollin', they hatin'

MysteriousDick: hahahdhjsjajha

Louis: that ... wasn't funny

MysteriousDick: dafuq it was!

Louis: I smiled a little bit

MysteriousDick: i knew my jokes are funny :-))


Hope you're having a great day :)


[183 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now