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Harry immediately came over from the stage after his performance and grinned at me expectantly.

''Good or good?''

''Better'' I replied with a proud smirk.

''Wanna go in an empty school corridor and dance with me?'' He asked quietly and gave me a loving smile.

''Always'' I retorted and turned to Niall and Eleanor for a moment. ''Take care nobody follows us, yeah?''

''Aye, aye Captain Pride'' Niall answered, saluting. ''Have fun.''

Eleanor giggled amused and grinned at me as Harry and I left the gym.

We walked through a lot of corridors before we decided to take an absolutely empty one with gloomy lights.

''Ready to dance without music?''

''Definitely, yes'' I replied, as he pulled me thightly against his body and wrapped his arms around my abdomen while i was placing mine around his neck.

''You look fucking adorable'' He whispered as we started dancing slowly and I leaned my head against his chest.

''You too. And your suit is... kinda special.''

''I knew you wouldn't like it, but I do so-''

''Shut the fuck up, you look damn perfect in that suit, idiot.''

We danced in silence for a while, but then I decided to do something I should have done long ago.


''Hm?'' He hummed and I looked up at him as we stopped dancing.

''I really like our relationship. I love when you kiss me with such a passion that... you know, I feel your love every time you kiss me... even if you just touch me... That sounds weird but I don't care. I love every time we make love. It just feels so freaking good and not because I'm horny or you are and the whole situation turns me on. It feels good 'cause we're close and you're the only one I wanna have a moment like this and feel this way with. I love every time we cuddle and I just love everything about you.''

Harry looked down at me with widened eyes and I could feel his racing heart in his chest.

''I love you'' I whispered and he stopped breathing for a moment.

''Oh my... I love you too, Louis. I love you so much I can't describe it. You're the only one I wanna live with for the rest of my life and I would do anything for you just to see you smile. I-''

''I know, Harry, I know'' I mumbled and gave him a quick kiss. ''You've said it so many times and I never did. I just want you to know, how much you mean to me. I love you.''

He leaned down a bit, looking in my eyes for a second, before pressing his lips gently against mine. The kiss was affectionately and insecure, without tounge, just a simple, lovingly kiss.

Until Harrys hands trailed down my body, stopping at my crotch, grabbing it hard, which elicited me a loud gasp.

''Wanna go to the toilets?'' Harry murmured into my ear and kissed my jaw.

''What?! We're in school. We probably shouldn't-''

''I really wanna make love right now'' He said and bit my neck gently.

I moaned as he started rubbing my crotch and sucking on my skin, nodding quickly.

''Yeah, o-okay.''


I wanna thank you guys for everything. Reading my book/s, voting and leaving comments. And I wanna thank you for more than 700 (!) followers. I never thought so many people would follow me <3


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One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now