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The spa was huge and I always stuck to Harry, worring about getting lost.

There was almost no one there, just three families and a couple of old ladies swimming in the pools we passed after Harry had paid the entrance fee.

''I can't wait to finally get into water!'' I said as we put our belongings on two of the many free loungers, took our swimwear and went to the locker rooms.

''Can't wait to see you naked'' Harry replied, grinning at me.

''Naked? I'm not gonna swim naked, dumbass.''

''No, but we're changing our clothes in the same locker.''

He pulled me into a cabin and locked it up, before giving me swimming trunks and starting to strip off his clothes.

While I was putting on the swimming trunks, I couldn't take my eyes off his breathtaking body, and when he realized I was staring at him, he grinned and blushed slightly.

''You're so freaking beautiful'' I mumbled and gave him a quick kiss, which made him blush even more.

''You too, baby'' He said and smirked at me, before we went back to our place, put down our clothes on the lounges and made our way to the showers.

After we had briefly showered in the icy water, I went to the first pool with a big grin, where a couple in the late thirties was staying with their three children between six and twelve years.

''Hurry up!'' I shouted to Harry, who seemed pretty amused as I jumped enthusiastically into the water.

As soon as he was in the water, I swam to him, nudged his shoulder with my finger and got away from him as fast as I could.

''Catch me!'' I called out, laughing and swimming at the same time, probably looking pretty peculiar.

''Are you five?'' Harry giggled but swam after me and caught up quickly, as I had to determine.

''You're as fast as a snail, Lou'' He reproached as he reached me and wrapped his arms around my abdomen, to hold on to me.

''I'm as fast as a cheetah.''

''Cheethas don't swim.''

''Snails neither.''

''But there are snails that live in the water.''

I rolled my eyes, but he ignored me and pulled me to one of those benches that were under water and which you could sit on.

He kissed my neck and I closed my eyes, sighing softly and enjoying the feeling of his lips on my skin.

''Hey'' Someone suddenly said in a high pitched voice, which sounded a little bit like mine when I was younger, and I opened my eyes quickly.

A little boy, one of the kids of the couple in front of us, sat down on the benche next to us.

''Hey'' Harry said and smiled at him.

''I'm Theo'' The boy introduced himself and grinned happily. ''Who are you?''

''I'm Harry and this is Louis'' Harry said and Theo looked at his arms which were wrapped around my waist.

''Are you siblings?''

''No, we're a couple'' I retorted and Theos eyes widened.

''But you're two men.''

''Yeah, we are and I'm a lot older than Lou but, hey, I love him and that's all that matters'' Harry replied and Theo frowned.

''Dad always says that I'm not allowed to talk to gay people. He says maybe I could get sick too.''

I looked up at the man who was obviously his father. He was sitting with an arm around his wife, watching his kids playing in the water with an unsympathetic smile.

''Gay people aren't sick. Those who don't accept love between people who have the same gender are.''


I'm sorry that I didn't update recently, but I'm pretty stressed out at the moment. Hope it'll get better soon.


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One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now