● 21 ●

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Louis: today Styles reminded me why i hate him

Fairy: sounds interesting

Fairy: tell me why

Louis: he said my grades go worse

Louis: and that's the reason, why he wants to give me private tutoring

Fairy: have fun spending your free time with your english teacher

Louis: thanks ._.

Fairy: where and when does it start?

Louis: at home

Louis: he said he'll be here at 16 o'clock

Fairy: five more minutes for beeing excited :-P

Louis: wohoo .-.


Louis: yeaaaah! Styles is going to tutore me! i can't wait :)))))

Fairy: good job :-)

Louis: yeah :P

Fairy: only two minutes left

Louis: i'm hoping he had an accident

Fairy: that's not what i wanna hear from my sweet little Lou

Louis: i meant i'm hopin' he is fine

Fairy: yeah you did

Louis: shit

Fairy: s h i t

Louis: i can see him walking down the street

Louis: where is the car which crashes into him

Fairydon't say such mean things

Louis: sorry ._.

Louis: gotta go now :/

Fairy: have fun :-)

Louis: uhm... no

Fairy: bye ;-)

Louis: bye m8


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One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now