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As soon as we entered the toilets, Harry pushed me against the nearest wall and kissed me with hungry eyes.

His tounge slipped over my lips, begging for entrance, and I opened my mouth immediatly.

Everything felt incredible. His lips on mine, his leg between my legs and his hands which where opening my tightened pants.

''Are you sure... we should do this... here in school?'' I asked between sloppy kisses and he squeezed my cock through my under pants, instead of an answer and I groaned totally turned on.

Hell yes, he was going to fuck me in school.

''You look so good'' He mumbled and kissed my neck, sucking and lightly biting my skin.

All I was able to do was groaning 'cause his hand made its way into my boxers and stroked my hardening dick gently, while he was leaving love bites all over my neck.

He had a big bulge in his trousers and as he rubbed his crotch softly against my leg he gasped quietly.

But suddenly, before I could really realize what was happening, the door swung open and four pairs of eyes were starring at Harry and me.

He quickly pulled his hand out of my pants and I could see fear in his eyes, as he looked down at me for a moment.

''See? I told you I saw them leaving together and entering the toilets!'' A girl with red hair said. I knew her. Her name was Natasha and she was one of those classmates of mine, who I had never really talked to.

''I... I can't believe what I just saw'' The last person I wanted to see this said and looked at me startled.

''I c-can explain, mum'' I whispered and cleared my throat, just wanting to disappear.

Harry pulled my skinny jeans back up with shaking hands.

''DON'T TOUCH HIM! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY SON!'' My mother suddenly screamed and he jumped slightly in surprise and took a step away from me.

Niall and Eleanor who stood behind my mum looked at me and Harry worried and I was sure that they've wanted to keep my mum away from us, but it just didn't work.

''HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY SON LIKE THIS?'' She shouted at him, as I was closing my pants, and took a step forward. ''YOU DISGUSTING... LOATHSOME PERVERT!''

''Mum, stop it. He didn't force me to anything'' I said and stepped closer to Harry.


''No! I won't. Mum, listen, everything's okay, he-''

''Okay? NOTHING IS OKAY! Shut the fuck up and get away from your fucking teacher!''

''No'' I protested quietly and grabbed Harrys arm, as if he could protect me.

I felt like a little kid. Like a little kid which doesn't want to go to bed or something like that.

''I'm calling the police now'' My mother mumbled and took out her phone.

My eyes widened and I quickly went to her and wanted to take the phone, but she turned away with her face slightly red of anger.

''No! Don't you dare call the police'' I said, panicking, tears appearing in the corners of my eyes. ''You're ruining everything! Stop it!''

''Shut up, Louis!'' She hissed, pushed my away and walked out of the room.

Seconds later I heard her talking with the man or woman from the police and I could feel my heart race in panic and turned to face Harry, who was deathly pale and tried to stop his hands from shaking in fear.


I don't even know if there's still anyone who's reading this but at least i hope so xD <3


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One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now