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As Harry went away for a few minutes, cause he needed to go to the bathroom, I quickly took out my phone and texted Edward, while i was singing the lyrics of 'You Found Me'.

Louis: fuck I'm doing everything wrong

Fairy: what do you mean?

Louis: maybe Harry's now thinking i don't like gays

Fairy: why?

Fairy: and you like dicks as well soo...

Louis: i mentioned cocksucker in a conversation

Fairy: i don't think he'd believe you're homophobic just because of that

Louis: i hope so

Fairy: don't worry

Fairy: it's definitely not nice when you use words like cocksucker when a gay man is around but... yeah it's actually not the end of the world

Louis: it just came out of my mouth before I could think about what I was going to say!

Fairy: I'll say it again: don't worry

Fairy: i'm sure he doesn't mind okay?

Louis: okay... thank you

Louis: he's coming back

Louis: gonna text you later

Fairy: yeah bye <3

Louis: bye <3 :)

Harry gave me a weak smile as he stood next to me and bit his lips.

''Are you alright?'' He asked, looking over at the impolite woman who had called us faggots.

''Yeah, yeah, everything-''

''So, thank you for being here tonight. Thank you for coming, no matter how long you'd to drive to this place. This will be our last song'' Joe King said and smiled down at the crowd.

And as the song began, suddenly little fireworks appeared above the audience and the band.

Many fans sang along to the lyrics and some of them screamed, overwhelmed by their feelings for the band.

''Oh god! This is the best thing that has ever happened to me!'' I yelled and hugged Harry completely out of the blue. ''Thank you, thank you, thank you!''

And then, definitely in euphoria, I gave him a quick kiss on his damn soft cheek.

It was more like a kiss you would give a friend or familiar person and not a kiss you would give your boyfriend or girlfriend, but nevertheless not a kiss you would give your teacher.

Harrys eyes widened and he stopped breathing for a second.

''Fuck'' I mumbled and put some distance between us.

''Shit, sorry I didn't want to... I didn't... it just happened.'' My face turned red in embarrassment. ''Sorry...''

Harry didn't say anything. He just starred at me with his beautiful green eyes.

''Harry? I'm sorry, yeah? It's no big deal, or is it? I just-''

Before I could finish my sentence he placed his large hands on my waist, pressed his abdomen against my body and let his lips crack down on mine.

My eyes widened in jolt and it felt like I was freezing. I wasn't able to move or just do anything.

Harry fucking Styles, my teacher, stole my first kiss on the concert of my favourite band during the last song. And these damn cool fireworks made this moment freaking corny.


Did you expect a kiss? :)


[508 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now