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The weekend came faster than I had expected.

It was only eleven o'clock in the morning when my mum, who thought I had been invited to the wedding of Niall's cousin, drove me to the station.

I hated going by train, but Harrys car was in the workshop. And of course I was going by train for him. Maybe it would be funny with him too.

''Where are Niall and his mother?'' My mum asked and looked around as we stood in the station concourse.

''I'm sure they'll come soon. I know you wanted to go to the movies with Dad and Lottie. You can go okay?''

''Do you want to get rid of me?'' She said and laughed softly, before she kissed me on the left cheek and hugged me. ''Take care of yourself, okay?''

''I'm not going to die, yeah?'' I smirked and waved her goodbye as she left.

Only a few seconds later someone hugged me from behind and kissed my occiput.

''Hey, Mr. Teacher'' I whispered and turned around.

''Hello, honey. Ready for a maybe funny, maybe boring wedding?''

''Yeah, I'm ready. But not for a boring train ride.''

''Come on. I know you said you don't like it but it will be fun. Besides...'' He paused and grinned at me as we made our way to the platform. ''If you want to, we'll go to the spa tomorrow.''

''Spa? Sounds great, but I don't have anything with me. And I'm not sure if my mum's going to allow me to stay one more day.''

''First of all, I have everything we need in this cool bag'' He said and held up a sports bag. ''Second, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you were going to be with Niall after the wedding, right?''

''Yeah, right'' I replied, took out my phone and send my mother a message which said that I'd sleep at Nialls and that I was going to be back at home in the late evening on sunday.

And as Harry and I got our tickets and entered the train a simple 'Okay. Greet his mother from me and have fun darling.' came back.

Harry and I sat down next to each other in the train and he put the bag on the luggage carrier above us. We were alone in the compartment except four old ladies who were in the immediate vicinity.

''I'm looking forward to see you in wet swimming trunks'' He said with a huge smile and I raised my eyebrows, laughing amused.

''You've seen me naked.''

''And I'm going to see you naked very often, babe.''

''Oh, but maybe I'm not going to take my clothes off in front of my teacher again.''

''That would make the teacher very sad.''

''I think it would probably frustrate him sexually pretty much. And then he would just be in a sexual relationship with his hand.''

''At least the hand wouldn't threaten him to let him down'' Harry replied and I leaned over and kissed him with a grin.


Hope you had a great day :) <3


[517 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now