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When I opened my eyes, impenetrable darkness surrounded me.

Constant beeping broke the silence and it took me a moment to realize that I was in hospital.

With a stinging headache, I sat up a bit and suddenly felt that someone was lying next to me.

But apparently the person had noticed that I was awake, because he also sat up and turned on the light.

''How do you feel?'' Niall asked and blinked sleepily.

''Crappy, what happened?'' I mumbled and noticed how damn dry my mouth was. ''Can I get something to drink?''

"Yes, of course," he replied immediately, got up and went into the adjoining bathroom, returning only a few moments later with a small glass of tap water.

''What happened?'' I asked again as he layed down under the covers next to me and yawned.

''You've gone out of class crying and then you vomited at the school toilets and collapsed there. A student found you there ten minutes later and called the ambulance. The doctor said you've to eat and drink more and look after yourself.''

Did I really lose sight of my health? Sure, I knew that I hadn't eaten much, but I didn't think it would hurt me that way, which was pretty stupid, now when I thought about it.

''Look, I know you're feeling really godawful right now, because of Harry, your mom and all that, but don't let that damn situation bring you down. You're strong and all that won't destroy that strength, okay? Harry loves you and you love him, no matter what.''

With a grateful smile, I leaned back and took a deep breath.

''I miss him, Niall. I miss the fact that he would always protect me. I'm feeling like I'm alone'' I whispered and sipped my cup.

''You're not alone. I'm here to protect you. Eleanor and Danielle protect you. We'll always be there for you and Harry is still with you. Be brave because he has to be courageous too.'' Niall gave me a gentle smile and tapped his finger onto the spot on my chest where my heart beat. ''He's right here.''


I'm very sorry for not updating recently but I'm really busy at the moment ._.
But even if I've got a lot to do at the moment.. my new book will be released tomorrow! :)) I hope you'll like it <3


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One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now