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Harry Pov. [there we go pointless_existance <3]

Seeing someone in tears always made me feel bad. But seeing Louis crying broke my heart.

Because I was the cause for his tears, screams, pain and despair. I didn't want him to feel bad.

''Hey man, why don't you sleep?'' Suddenly a raspy voice above me said and I looked up.

''I just can't fall asleep'' I whispered, shrugged and bit my lip.

Herman, who shared the cell with me and was seven years younger than me, climbed down from the loft bed and sat down next to me, his eyebrows drawn together.

''What's wrong?''

''Guess what? I'm in jail and ...'' I mumbled but my voice broke and I pressed my lips together.

Don't cry, I told myself, otherwise someone would rip my ass faster than I could imagine.

''I know I don't look like the guy you can tell anything, but actually you can. I'd keep it as a secret, I promise.'' He put his hand on my thigh and smiled at me, something I could barely see in the darkness.

He was right. He definitely didn't look like someone you wanna be friends with. He had a lot of tattoos, was unbelievable muscular and had a bald head but I needed someone to talk to, so I trusted him even if it wasn't very clever.

''I'm missing the person I love.''

''Your girlfriend?'' He guessed and I shook my head.

''Not entirely correct.''



''Oh.'' He seemed irritated for a moment, withdrew his hand, slipped away from me a little bit and looked at me silently. ''I mean like uhm... wow. That disgusts me somehow, sorry.''

Well done Harry, I praised myself sarcastic and would love to sink into the ground right now.

''That wasn't supposed to be rude, I just don't... get why someone would like to uhm... you know an arsehole is a bit revolting, isn't it?''

''I think it's absolutely sexy and exciting.''

Oh please shut up, I scolded myself. You're making it even worse.

''Thank you for sharing you opinion with me'' He said and I couldn't tell if he was joking or pissed. ''So, you're gay?''


''Oh lord, I'm such a lucky guy. I got a great cellmate, thanks to those who are responsible.'' Herman dropped back, folded his arms behind his head and studied me with his gaze. ''Don't ever touch me or I'm going to kill you, roger that?''

''I would never touch you, I'm not unfaithful.''

''Why do I always get the freaks? You don't have the right to treat me like that, lord'' He murmured and I lowered my head uncomfortably.

''I'm not a freak.''

''You're gay.''

''That doesn't make me a freak.''

''You are-'' He started, then stopped abruptly. ''Okay, fuck it, you're sucking dicks and like it. Who cares, what about your lover?''

''I'm not sure if I really should-''

''Shut up. You can tell me.''

''Yeah, uhm...''

''Come on, queen. I'll try to help you, okay?''


What do you think about Herman? :)

I'd like to write another english story as well, so...

When nineteen-year-old Harry moves to relatives in the country one summer, he meets their adoptive son Louis, whose strange behavior he can't assess initially.
Even if the simple reason is actually quite obvious.
Louis Tomlinson is blind.
But instead of making friends with the shy boy, Harry pushes him around, makes fun of him and humiliates him.
Until one day he accidentally sees that Louis is sexually abused ...

What do you think? Would you read it?


[598 Words]

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