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Louis: hey hey hey hey hey

Fairy: what?

Louis: just wanna say hi

Fairy: i got work to do

Fairy: sorry but no time for my little baby

Louis: whhhaaat? :O

Fairy: i have to correct homeworks

Louis: boring

Fairy: *my homework

Fairy: auto correct

Louis: also boring

Fairy: yeah

Louis: Edward (or your real name) honestly i like you pretty much and at the moment i'm okay with not knowing your name but i want to know your age

Louis: soo how old are you Edward?

Fairy: doesn't matter

Louis: it DOES

Fairy: no...

Louis: tell me or i'll leave

Fairy: calm down!

Louis: tell me your age or i'll leave

Fairy: no please don't :-(

Louis: tell me your age Edward

Fairy: Louis...

Louis: i'm waiting m8

Fairy: Louis i don't wanna tell you!

Louis: 3

Fairy: what?

Louis: 2

Fairy: no!

Fairy: please not!

Louis: 1

Fairy: Lou ... :-(

Louis: okay bye

Louis: we had a really great time


Louis: bye

Fairy: okay, okay!

Fairy: i'm 27


I know that's not Harrys real age but he has to be a little bit older :)


[193 Words]

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