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He intensified the pressure on my lips gradually the longer he kissed me and pushed his entire body on me, The Walking Dead was forgotten.

''I really want to... do this, yeah? But I'll only do that if you promise me that you won't regret it afterwards'' Harry whispered and kissed my jaw.


''And you're sure that-''

''Harry, I want it, I really do. And i promise that I won't regret it, okay? I want you to be the one to whom I lose my virginity.''

He just looked at me for a moment and a slight smile crossed his lips.

''Do you even know how much this means to me?''

''That I want you to fuck me?'' I said and he laughed, giving me a soft kiss, while I was smiling like an idiot.

For a second, I wondered if that was really a good idea. Sure, I wanted it, otherwise I would not lie here with Harry, ready to give myself to him fully.

But there was that voice in my head which said that this could never work. Someone who should not know, would find out.

But, no, nobody was going to find anthing out.

After all, no one needed to know what we were doing when we were alone, right?

''Everything alright?'' Harry asked suddenly and frowned.

''Yeah, everything is fine'' I answered honestly and gave him a quick kiss.

He smiled down at me briefly and pulled my sweater over my head the next moment, dropping it on the floor next to us.

''You're looking so fucking beautiful'' He mumbled, placed sweet kisses on my chest and tummy and put his hand on my crotch.

Soon enough he had also taken off his shirt and, oh god, he looked incredibly hot.

''I'd really like to... bruise your skin. Like a love bite, or so'' He murmured and reinforced the pressure on my crotch.

Suddenly the temperature in the room seemed to be increasing and my pants became uncomfortably thight.

''Just do what you want'' I breathed, tilting my head back as he lowered his lips to the soft skin on my neck and began sucking just a little later, biting the spot now and then.

I felt him opening my pants and stripping them off. His followed immediately thereafter.

Suddenly he took his hand from its place between my legs and slipped between them.

A soft gasp escaped my mouth as I felt his hard-on through the fabric on mine.

After he had finished his work on my neck, he distributed kisses over my entire body and finally ended up kissing my loins.

He now sat between my legs and looked down at me with hungry eyes.

''I'll blow you away.''

His smirk after that sentence was priceless.

''Go ahead'' I mumbled and without another word, he leaned down a little and let his fingers glide under the waistband of my boxer shorts playfully.

''Do you want me to take it off? These annoying underpants'' He purred and smiled up at me, as he gently kissed the bulge in my boxer shorts.

''Don't tease me, plea-'' I replied; the rest of the sentence went down in my moan, as he squeezed my dick slightly.

''Do you want me to give you a blowjob, huh?''

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now