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Fairy: hey wanna hear a good joke?

Louis: no

Fairy: but i'm the master of jokes

Louis: you're the worst at telling jokes i've ever met

Fairy: we've not met

Fairy: please let me tell jooookkeeeeesss :-))

Fairy: please love

Louis: ...

Louis: okay do what u wanna do

Fairy: yes!

Fairy: knock, knock

Louis: who's there?

Fairy: the cow goes

Louis: the cow goes who?

Fairy: no the cow goes moo

Fairy: ha

Fairy: haha

Fairy: hahahahahajsjsjwjwhahhahaa

Louis: whoa

Louis: don't be TOO funny man

Fairy: sorry for being so funny and cool

Louis: you're not funny and not cool

Fairy: i'm sexy

Louis: show me

Fairy: i can't

Louis: then you're not sexy

Fairy: :-(

Louis: but guess what?

Louis: i am


What do you think about the story? :P


[133 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now