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Louis: hi

MysteriousDick: fooooook

MysteriousDick: you texted me first :-)))

Louis: yeah i did

Louis: how old are you? :)

MysteriousDick: i'm older than u i guess

Louis: u guess?

HornyKid: no, i'm pretty sure

HornyKid: i'm so old damn

Louis: eww

Louis: i'm talking to an old, hairy and fat man

HornyKid: i'm not that old and fat

HornyKid: and i'm not hairy

HornyKid: not everywhere lol

Louis: tell me 'bout your hairy areas

HairyUnicorn: wth

Louis: that was actually a joke

HairyUnicorn: your jokes are bad

Louis: not as bad as yours

HairyUnicorn: my jokes are brilliant

Louis: believe what you wanna believe

HairyUnicorn: come on!

HairyUnicorn: let me tell another joke :-)

Louis: i swear it will be as awful as the other one

Joker: my jokes aren't bad, Louis

Louis: yeah you are the master of jokes

Louis: i changed your name to joker

Joker: oh rlly? i love him

Louis: pff i thought you love me

Joker: i do

Louis: what? :0

Joker: what

Louis: did you say you love me?

Joker: w h a t

Louis: did you just say you love me?

Joker: is reading difficult for you? i can teach you a little bit

Joker: i can teach you sex :-)

Louis: oh man please fuck off


What do you think 'bout Lou? :P


[222 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now