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When Harry Styles didn't come to the classroom to teach us, I knew something was wrong.

''Where's Styles?'' Eleanor, one of my  classmates, asked as the man in front of us put his bag on the teacher's desk.

''He had a circulatory collapse in the teacher's room minutes ago.''

''How is he doing?'' I inquired concerned.

''He just needs to get some rest. And he has to eat and drink more. He said he has too much on his mind and would always forget it. But that's not the topic now. Lets talk about grammar. I got some exercises for you.''

Speaking of exercises, Harry had never given me tutoring again.


After the last hour I left the classroom pretty late and spent some time at my locker and so the school aisles were completely empty, as I went to the main exit.

Well, until I turned the corner and saw Harry standing alone in front of the staff room.

He didn't notice me at first, but then he turned around and his eyes widened.

''Hi'' I greeted my teacher and stopped in front of him.

''H-hey'' He answered uncertainly and turned slightly red.

''Are you alright? Professor Hood said you had a circulatory collapse.''

''Yeah... I mean... yeah, everything's okay.''

''Why don't you take care of yourself?''

''Why do you care?'' He retorted and raised his eyebrows.

''Cause it makes me worry, when I get to hear you've collapsed. Can you please eat and drink enough?''

''Not your business.''

''No, maybe it is not. But I'm allowed to worry. And I do'' I said sternly and he lowered his head.

''School is over. What are you waiting for? Don't you want to go home?''

''Harry, why are you behaving this way? I just want to make sure you're okay.''

''Oh, you know, I'm not feeling well. Not at all. I feel like shit and you can not do anything about it by coming to me and saying you want me to be fine. Nothing is fine.''

There was pain and anger in his eyes as he looked at me and he seemed terribly hurt and broken.


''Don't talk to me like you know how damn bad I feel. Who knows, if you would know what's on my mind, maybe you could understand me. But you don't. Leave me alone. You are not my therapist.''

''I just want to help you.''

''But I don't want you to help me.''


Do you think everything would be better or even worse, if Harry told Louis he's the one who's texting him all the time?


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One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now