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[For ShivaKi_leaf_feather <3 ]

I logically didn't kiss him back.

Even if his smooth lips felt good on mine. It would be wrong.

Students and teachers don't do things like that.

And after a few moments Harry realized that I would not reciprocate the kiss.

He broke away from me and took a step back. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes flickered across my face in panic.

It was like everything was disappearing around us. The music, the people. It was just him and me.

His mouth opened, like if he wanted to say something, but he closed it again without saying a word.

''What are you fucking doing?'' I asked slowly and frowned.

He was breathing shallowly and restlessly, evidently trying to calm himself down.

''I... I don't know... I just... I think it was because of the alcohol I mean, I... I didn't want to kiss you... you're my student, right? It's illegal, I would be send to prison if someone found out...'' He stammered, trying to form meaningful sentences.

''No, I mean what the actual hell are you doing?! Since we're here you're touching me like you're a familiar person to me. We don't even really know each other! And now you're kissing me like it's normal. It's not, i-it's deviant.''

You could tell Harry was now starting to lose his nerve.

''Louis, please, I did not think. Let's just forget it. If ... if you tell someone, I'll most likely lose my job.''

''You should have thought about that before! Who knows how many times you have already approached students! This is perverted and sick! You are twice as old as me! That belongs displayed.''

''No, please lets talk about it. We will find another solution. Please don't ruin my life.''

Ruin his life? He stole my first kiss! It was important for me to give it to the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. The person I loved.

''You're a sick pervert. I hope you are looking forward to your time in prison for sexual coercion.''

''Sexual coercion? I have not touched you immaturally! And that was just a... a kiss.''

''A kiss I did not want and a kiss I didn't like. I mean, which student would like to sneak around with his teacher?''

''I just thought ... it just came over me. And it was you who hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.''

''Yeah, but only because I was so happy! Not because I wanted you to kiss me after that!''

''I'm sorry, okay? I promise that something like that will never happen again. Please do not tell anyone.''

His voice trembled with panic, but there was something else in his eyes. Mourning. He seemed depressed and hurt.

As if someone had taken away his life elixir. As if someone had punched him in the face and said his biggest dream could never come true.

And maybe that was exactly what it was.


What would you do, if you were Louis/Harry? ^-^


[509 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now