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[Listen to the song while reading :)]

After my little breakdown I'd had at school, I forced myself to eat regularly and payed attention to my well-being.

I wanted to move on. It was not easy, but after some time I had managed to cope with all the insults and to feel reasonably well again.

Of course, I missed Harry a bit more from day to day, but the pain was accompanied by sweet anticipation of his release.

And so I began to count the days, weeks and months, and when the first twelve months were finally over, Niall and I toasted with a glass of disgusting bitter wine.

With my mother, I avoided contact as much as possible, and although it was painful, I did not intend to get along with her again until she realized what she had done and apologized.

And though she had strictly forbidden me, I occasionally visited Harry with Liam or Zayn, who slowly but surely became friends I could always count on.

On my seventeenth birthday, I barely spent any time with family and friends, but went to Harry, who told me in tears that he had no present for me, even though it was Christmas and my birthday.

I did not understand why he reproached himself, because he and his endless love was gift enough.

By the evening of the day I was lying on my bed with Niall, cuddling up to him and pulling the blanket to the tip of my nose, because it was quite cold, as I only wore panties.

He had an arm wrapped around me and snored peacefully sleeping next to me.

My thoughts turned to Harry, which he was doing right now and why I had earned a best friend like Niall, who never left my side at this difficult time.

And at that moment, as so often before, I wished that Harry didn't have to be in prison, that he, his best friends, Niall and I could spend a day together, as normal couples and their friends did.

But I'd have to wait a lot of more and more lonesome days until he would be free again.


The first chapter of my new book ''Change of Heart'' has been released a few moments before I updated this book. I would be very grateful if you'd check it out :)) <3


[398 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now