● 28 ●

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Everyone walked out of the classroom, after Harry Styles said he'd finish the lesson earlier today.

But as I passed him, he grabbed my arm and held me back.

I turned around confused and looked up at his beautiful green eyes.

''What do you want?''

''Uh... I just... I just heard you talking to Niall about that concert in London... you know The Fray... and I thought we could go there 'cause uhm... I got two tickets and my sister told me yesterday she couldn't make it tomorrow and... yeah...''

Harry scratched his head and blushed as I stared at him with widened eyes.

''Did you just ask me to go on a concert with you? My teacher?''

His face turned pretty red as he nodded slowly and bit is lips.

''It's okay if you don't want to 'cause you don't want to go there with me. An old man.'' He laughed awkwardly and starred at the ground.

''No! I'd love going to this concert! But I don't have enough money to pay for the ticket so I'm afraid I've to say no.''

''You don't have to pay! I'll invite you.''


It was just as Edward said. This guy had definetly too much money.

''Yeah, really, I mean I asked you to come with me and I already got the tickets.''

''Oh god i'm going to watch The Fray live performing! Thank you so much, professor Styles!''

I had a huge smile on my face, glad to have him as my teacher that moment.

''It's Harry.''

''Oh uhm... okay. Thanks Harry.''

He smirked and blushed again. Maybe he was a bit strange but I was too happy to think about it.

Cause I was going to see The Fray oh my god!


Who is your favourite celebrity? :)


[302 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now