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The room in the registry office, where Nick was going to get married, was lovely decorated.

The weren't a lot of guests, probably only close friends of the bride and groom and their family.

''God, these pants are jamming my crotch'' Harry mumbled as we entered the room.

''Hm... I'd like to give you a blowjob'' I retorted, grinning at him.

''Shut up, Lewis.''

''I'm just saying I'd like to suck your cock and taste your delicious cum.''

''Curly! I'm so happy to see you, mate!'' Someone said before he could answer that.

A man with dark brown hair and brown eyes came over and smiled broadly at Harry.

''Hey, Nick. Nice to see you too'' He retorted and hugged him with a big smile. ''Where is your sweetheart?''

''I'm right here'' A man with black hair and warm, brown eyes spoke.

''For god sake, are you cheating on me?'' Another man asked with a grin and kissed the black-haired man on the cheek.

''These are my best friends'' Harry explained to me. ''Nick, the fabulous groom, and Zayn and Liam, the cutest couple I've ever seen.''

''Who the hell is that?'' The man called Zayn asked and looked at me warily.

''Louis. A friend'' Harry answered and Zayn frowned.

''Since when are you friends with kids? Please don't tell me, that he's one of your students.''

''He's not one of my students'' Harry said and Zayn nodded slowly, but I could see that he didn't believe him. He gave me this weird look, like I was a slut or something like that.

Liam didn't say anything, Nick neither.

There was an uncomfortable silence between us and as I looked at Harry for a moment I could see that he was biting his lip nervous.

''Where do you go with Cara on honeymoon?''


Cara turned out to be a pretty and young woman with bright red hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a beautiful wedding dress and looked incredibly happy as she gave Nick her marriage promise.

Everyone seemed to be in a good mood, except Zayn. He looked at me and Harry all the time and contracted his eyebrows thoughtfully.

As the ceremony was over, everyone congratulated the couple and went to the inn around the corner.

There was a large room reserved for us and I was just about to go in and look for Harry, whom I had lost in the crowd, but someone held me back.

''Can I talk to you for a moment?'' Zayn questioned and looked at me firmly.

''Uhm... yeah, I guess.''

''Okay, let us go outside.''

Without resistance, I followed him outside the inn. It had started to rain slightly, but it didn't seem to bother him.

He crossed his arms and I looked at him nervously, as he leaned forward a bit.

''I'm not an imbecile. The way Harry looks at you would have been enough for me to understand what's going on. But, hey, weeks ago Harry told me that there was this guy. And you know what? He said the boy who stole his heart was a little younger and not interested in him. At that time I was worried that it might be a student. But it looks like it was not just a terrible thought, but the reality. So Louis, how old are you? Fourteen? Fifteen?''

''I'm fifteen'' I murmured and Zayn sighed, shaking his head.

''God. How dumb can someone be?''

''He loves me'' I said and he laughed humorless.

''Yeah, and you? Are you using him? Let him fuck you in order to get good grades?''

''No. I like him too. I would never use him!''

''Yeah, really?'' He replied repellent.

''You can trust me, I-''

''Well, I don't trust you'' He interrupted me and bit his lip. ''But I won't do anything. Harry must have a reason why he likes you so much. But I tell you one thing, Louis. If Harry is send to jail one day, I'll blame you and you'll pay for it. Roger that?''

I nodded quickly and his dark gaze pierced me.

''Perfect. Let's go back inside.''

He put a hand on my back and together we went back to the others, who were already sitting at the table.

When I located Harry, I hurried over to him and sat down in the empty seat next to him.

''What did you do with Zayn outside?'' He asked confused and I looked at the black-haired man who sat next to Liam and smiled at him.

''Gonna tell you later.''

Harry frowned but nodded.

And I just wanted to get away from this wedding and his friends.


My cat is doing weird things... whatever, what do you think about Zayn?


[796 Words]

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