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The following days Harry was pretty nervous, which was understandable, but I was sure that neither Danielle nor Eleanor would tell anyone. I trusted them.

However, it was late Thursday afternoon, only two more days to the Christmas holidays, as I sat in the kitchen and was watching my mother, who was preparing all sorts of snacks for the schools upcoming Christmas festival. She probably thought it was her personal task to bring enough food for all who would attend the celebration tomorrow.

It was my favorite day during school because that day everyone was relaxed, even most of the teachers, and everyone was having fun.

Also, there was always a small stage where you could sing karaoke if you wanted, there was a lot of delicious food to eat and even the fact that so many parents were involved, like my mother, did not dampen my mood.

Honestly, I could not wait for tomorrow and was damn excited.

''Do you have a date for tomorrow?'' My mum suddenly asked and I frowned confused.

''Why should I?''

''You went out with this girl once, didn't you? Elise?''

''Oh... you mean Eleanor'' I retorted as I thought back to the day, when Harry and I had our date at the restaurant and I told my family I would go out with her.

''Yes, right. Eleanor was her name. Aren't you together?'' She replied, chopping some vegetables.

''Well, she's nice and all that stuff... But no, I would never have a relationship with her.''

My mother looked at me for a moment, before biting her lip and turning to face me.

''Is there someone you're having a relationship with?''

''No. Why do you ask?''

''You know that you have to be careful, who you have sex with, right?''

I blushed and stared at her in surprise.

''When your father and I came back from visiting your great-aunt, I found sperm on the sofa and removed it before your dad could see it. And Lottie was always saying someone had been here but she said she wasn't allowed to tell me who. I just want you to take care of yourself, okay? And it would be great if I didn't become grandma too soon. So, if you slept with someone while we were not at home, I hope you've used a condom. If you have unprotected sex you can get venereal diseases and that's definitely nothing funny.''

''Nothing happened that day, Mum'' I murmured embarrassed and simply rushed out of the kitchen.


What do you think about Camille?


[430 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now