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[Hey guys ._. There were some troubles with this chapter. Please tell me if you can read it now]

Harry lifted me carefully from his lap, sitting me next to him on the bed, got up and hurried to the bathroom.

He returned with some paper towels, cleaned us up, and quickly put on boxer shorts before going to the door and opening it.

''Uhm... hey?'' He said to the man at the door und I wrapped the blanket around my naked body.

''Hello. Listen, I don't want to report it, but you are very loud and it is pretty late. My wife, my children and I were already asleep until you and your girlfriend-'' He glanced back and frowned when he saw me. ''Sorry, boyfriend started to have some fun. It would be really great if you could lower the noise level a bit, yeah?''

''Of course, we are really sorry, we didn't want to bother anyone'' Harry apologized and the man nodded with a polite smile.

''It's okay, just be quiet now, yeah? Nice evening to you and your lover.''

''Nice evening to you too'' Harry replied and closed the door quickly.

''Oops'' I mumbled as he sat down to me on the bed.

''Loud sex is great.''

''I agree'' I giggled as he layed down beside me. I put the blanket away and snuggled up to him.

''You're so freaking small'' Harry murmured and pulled me to his body, kissing my chest softly.

''I'm not'' I retorted and he grinned at me amused.

''Niall is taller than you and he's not what I'd call a tall man.''

''Just 'cause you and your friends are some giants you don't have to annoy me with that 'oh you're such a baby shit'.''

''Calm down, Lou'' He laughed, kissing me and wrapping his arms around my abdomen.

''I'm totally calm'' I replied and sighed.

''Come on, darling, I love your size'' Harry grinned and placed a kiss on my neck.

''You're to big to fit in my mouth.''

''I didn't mean that size.''

''I know'' I smirked and stuck out my tounge.

''Dirty boy.''

''I had a shower today in the morning.''

''Your jokes are bad'' Harry said, rolling his eyes.

''Not as bad as yours'' I grinned.

Harry closed his eyes with a sigh and put a leg over my haunch.

''I'm pretty tired, let's go to sleep, yes?'' He whispered and pressed his body against mine.

''Yeah, okay'' I replied, grabbed the blanket and put it above us. ''Turn off the lights, ducky.''

He leaned on his arms, switched off the light and snuggled up to me again, as if I was a fluffy teddy bear.

''I never thought that you would answer my feelings at some point. At least like me or something like that. I only dreamed about it sometimes. And now, look at us. We're a couple and do all the things I've ever wished for'' He mumbled and kissed my head.

''I had never even considered developing feelings for a teacher. And then it's you too. The teacher I thought I hated.''

''Thank you for giving us a chance.''

''I would have been stupid, if I hadn't given ourselves one, wouldn't I?''

''Yeah, damn stupid'' Harry giggled and yawned. ''Goodnight, honey.''

''Goodnight, love.''

''That's my word for you'' He murmured and bit the skin on my chest gently, kissing it afterwards. ''Have nice dreams. I love you.''


Would you rather want 1D to come back or Larry to come out if only one thing could happen?


[595 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now