● 42 ●

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I was just doing my homework when my mother suddenly called for me.

''Louis, come down! Here is a package for you.''

I didn't order anything.

Confused, I ran downstairs, took the package from the kitchen table and went back upstairs.

Who would send me something?

There was no sender, it was just a cardboard box with 'Louis' on the front side, written in a curved font.

Someone must had brought it by himself.

I opened it curious and frowned, staring at the chocolates, the plastic rose and the handwritten letter.

Completely confused, I took the note in my hand and started reading.

Hello Louis, darling,
maybe it's crazy, but since I can't talk to anyone about my feelings, I just decided to write you this freaking mortifying letter.
First of all, I want to tell you that for me, you are the person with whom I would like to spend the rest of my life and whom I adore.
You are so incredible and you don't even know it.
You're perfect and I'm sorry you have to read my silly babble, but I can't tell you personally and I did not think a message was appropriate.
Message, yeah, here's Edward.

At the moment I regret writing this. I'm not even sure I dare to give it up. You're probably just gonna think I'm wacky.
I'm not even sure what the meaning of the whole thing here is. You already know that I love you. Maybe I just wanted you to be one hundred percent sure. I don't know either...
I want to hear you saying 'i love you' so bad. And I hope you will never judge me for loving you. I did not even want it to happen, you know? It just did. The feelings were suddenly there. And every time I see you my heart starts to race and I want to run away, but at the same time I just want to kiss you.

Okay, I should just stop writing awkward stuff that you may not even read. Please don't forget I love you more than I've ever loved anyone.
- H x

As if I was paralyzed, I stared down at the note.


Who the fuck was H.


Maybe it was not the best idea, no, it was probably quite stupid, but I decided to ask Danielle about her brother.

I just wanted to know who Edward was, because he was feeling bad and I wanted to help him.

''Hey, wait a second'' I stopped her as she was about to go to cafeteria with a group of her friends.

''Yeah? What's up?'' She asked, raising her perfectly plucked eyebrows.

''Can I maybe talk to your brother? We've been texting for a while now and-''

''I don't have a brother, Louis'' She interrupted me confused and I closed my mouth in surprise.

''But he said...''

''No idea who you're texting with, but definitely not my nonexistent brother.''

Without another word, she left me in the corridor and I watched her helplessly.

But Edward said that he was the brother of Danielle. He said his sisters were Danielle and Gemma.

My eyes widened as suddenly something terrible came to my mind.

What if Edward was Harry Styles?

Didn't Harry say his sister Gemma could not make it to the concert?

Edward signed the letter he sent me with 'H' and he lied when I asked him if he was a teacher.

My heart started to beat abnormally fast and I turned around, running to my locker. I wanted to get my things as fast as possible and get away from this place.

I just wanted to wake up in my bed because this imagination was a nightmare.


Yeah... what do you think? :O


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One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now