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The next day, my mother and I arrived at my school shortly after 3 p.m.

Full of anticipation to see Harry again, I walked through the school with a big smile on my face and Niall noticed my good mood immediately  as we met each other in the big gym where the party would take place.

My mum went away with her food, probably just about to talk to some other parents or a teacher.

''Hey man, what's up? Why are you grinning like you won something?'' Niall greeted me, hugging me matey.

''Harry's such a great boyfriend. It just makes me happy to know that I'm the one who stole his heart'' I answered, smiling at him.

''Yeah, he certainly is a great boyfriend. And you know what you are? A great reason for him to be send to jail'' He replied rolling his eyes, but smirking slightly.

''Shut up you prick'' I hissed and crossed my arms which made him laugh.

''Calm down you little ass-fucked princess.''

''Hi boys!'' Suddenly a familiar voice said behind me and seconds later Eleanor had put her arm around my shoulders and Niall raised his eyebrows, obviously a bit confused.

''Hey, why aren't you with Danielle?''

''Well, she's sick and now I'm alone. I just thought I could hang around with you guys'' She said unsure and looked down at me.

She was wearing high heels and now she was like ten inches taller than me and it annoyed me pretty much. Why was everyone taller than me?

''Sure, wanna have something to eat or drink?'' Niall asked like the polite guy he definitely wasn't.

''No, thank you.''

Spending time with Eleanor was actually quite cool and I had a lot of fun with her and Niall and forgot the time, because the next time I looked around, it was already dark outside and the room was pretty filled.

For the first time that day, I really looked at the decoration, which was now shining and giving the room a nice atmosphere.

''Wanna dance with me?'' Eleanor asked, as some music started to play and I agreed, just shrugging my shoulders and following her on the small dancefloor, where some couples where already dancing.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and she put hers on my shoulders before we danced lightly to the music.

''How are you and Harry?'' She questioned interested and I noticed that I hadn't even seen him yet and started looking around for him.

''Good, yeah, actually pretty good.''

I found him standing near the stage and talking to our music teacher Professor Aoki.

God, his suit was awful.

And I freaking loved it. Because it made him look so damn hot and unbelievable good.

''Fuck, I need air, I can't breathe '' I whispered and Eleanor laughed, looking over at him.

''You're so lucky. He's perfect. He's so cute and handsome.''

''Yeah, and he is mine. Stay away.''

''I don't want him, don't worry'' She retorted, smiling brightly.


My tickets for Harrys concert in Munich arrived today :)


[515 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now