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How often does a man think about sex?

I was actually a person who didn't think about stuff like that much.

Well, when I had been watching a movie starring Zac Efron, I'd been thinking of him fucking me hard on my bed, but I was not one of that sex-addicted kids who wanted to be fucked all the time.

But now as I was laying on the couch with Harry, while he was kissing my neck and stroking my chest, I couldn't stop thinking of us... making love on my bed or right here in the living room.

I knew that it would be illegal and all that stuff, if he interacted sexually with me, but I would really like to show him, that I trust him and that I was ready to try a relationship, with everything it included.

And damn I was getting more and more horny.

''Harry?'' I mumbled and bit my lip.

''Did I do something wrong?'' He asked worried, but I shook my head.

''Did you ever think of fucking me?''

Woah, that was bluntly.

His eyes widened and his face turned red as I looked at him.

''Uhm... y-yeah I... actually did, why?''

''I was just wondering, if you would like to... do it?'' I whispered in an awkward uncertain voice.

''You're only fifteen. You should wait with something like that until you are completely sure, that you want it'' He replied after a few seconds of silence.

''I want it.''

Harry looked at me silently and painted gentle patterns on my chest with his index finger. ''You're still a virgin, right? It is important to me that you have your first time with someone who means something to you.''

In his eyes, I could certainly see self-doubt. Maybe he thought he was not the right one or not my first choice, I didn't know, but whatever it was, it wasn't true.

''I want to do it with you. Because you mean something to me. Maybe I can't tell you that I love you yet, but what I can say is that I'm sure that you'll be a fabulous boyfriend and I would like to start a relationship with you.''

''Y-you wanna be my boyfriend?'' He asked in disbelief.

''Yeah, I really want to. So, Harry Styles, do you want me to be yours?'' I said, smiling at him genuinely.

''Oh my god, yes! I definitely want to!''

That sounded like a proposal of marriage, but somehow it felt just as important.

Harry leaned over, smiling like he won the jackpot, and gently pressed his lips against mine.

I closed my eyes, just enjoying the wonderful feeling, hoping that everything would stay so forever.


What do you think about the whole situation?


[467 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now