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It was late afternoon as someone rang our doorbell.

Someone who was Harry Styles for sure, because he told me after my english lesson, that he'd pick me up at 4 p.m.

Well, he was a little early but that was quite fine cause I was already done with my styling for the concert.

I ran down the stairs and opened the door with a prominent smile on my face.

''Hi!'' I greeted him enthusiastically and he smiled back at me.

''Hey Louis, are you ready?''

''Fucking hell, yeah, I actually am.''

Harry raised his eyebrows and I blushed.

''I meant yeah I'm ready'' I mumbled  and he smirked.

And oh my god why didn't I ever notice his cute dimples?

''Don't worry, it's fine. We're not teacher and student now. We're just... two lads going on a concert, okay?''

''Hello, you must be Harry Styles'' My mother said as she suddenly appeared behind me.

''Yes I am. You're Louis' mother, right?'' He said, shaking her hand.

''My name's Johannah. Nice to meet you.''

''Nice to meet you, too. You can call me Harry'' My teacher replied and placed a hand on my shoulder.

''So, when are you gonna bring Louis back home?'' She asked and crossed her arms.

''Well, the concert is late at night so I thought we could spend the night in a hotel.''

''Oh...'' She raised her eyebrows and looked at me. ''Yeah... fine. Do you need money for the hotel room?''

''No, I'll invite Louis don't worry.''

I looked up at him with widened eyes.

How much freaking money was he going to spend for me? I mean I'm just one of a lot of students he had.

''Are you sure? That's very expensive'' I mumbled but he shrugged and smiled down at me.

''I don't mind.''


Do you like Xmas? :)


[310 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now