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Louis: haha

Louis: i would hate you even more

EdwardCullen: without any reasons

Louis: no because everything Styles does is wrong

Louis: and he has awful clothes

EdwardCullen: i like his clothes

Louis: weird

Fairy: i'm not weird you are

Louis: no i just can't understand why you protect Styles all the time

Fairy: 'cause he's done nothing wrong

Louis: bitch please ... he is an awful person

Fairy: whoa calm down

Fairy: you don't know him! you can't judge him if he hasn't done anything

Louis: what's your problem? i just don't like him at all

Fairy: without any reasons

Louis: he doesn't like me either

Fairy: did he ever say that?

Louis: no, but he looks at me like he doesn't like me

Fairy: no he didn't ever do that

Louis: how can you know?

Fairy: cause i know Harry


Which of Nialls songs do you like most?


[153 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now