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It was 4 p.m. as my classmates and i were waiting at the cinema, while Harry was buying the tickets.

I was standing there alone because my best friend Niall wasn't allowed to watch the movie and I didn't really got other friends at school.

''Here's yours'' Harry said to everyone as he handed out the tickets and then we all walked to the room where the film was going to be shown.

I had to find out, that my seat was right next to Harry, but I wasn't really annoyed because of that.

''Are you excited to see the film? '' He asked with a huge smile on his face as he took place beside me.

I nodded and smiled back but as the film started it got my full concentration.

It was more frightening than I expected and when someone got murdered I automatically took up Harrys hand.

Only after a few moments I recognized what I was doing and released his hand out of my grip.

''Sorry'' I mumbled and my face turned red.

''Doesn't matter'' Harry whispered to not interrupt the others watching the film.

But for me it did matter. I felt like a scared little baby.

After a few more minutes I spent on watching the film I startled so much, that i grabbed Harrys hand again.

I mean, for the first seconds i believed I took up his hand again, but as he harrumphed quietly i looked at my hand and took a deep breath.

I didn't grab his hand. I grabbed his crotch.

As fast as I could I retreated my hand and starred at Harry much more shocked than I've ever been before.

I grabbed the crotch of my english teacher.

Oh my god. That was the worst thing that had ever happened to myself.

I wasn't able to see Harrys emotions or something like that in the dark, but he stood up and left the room.

And I was sure, I was about to die.


What would you do if you were Louis? :P


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One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now