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When Liam and Zayn dropped us off in front of a hotel at about half past nine with nothing but a sports bag, I was glad to finally get rid of Harrys friends and be away from the wedding, even though Zayn's behavior had improved over the hours and he was pretty nice to me from time to time.

''How about a blowjob as soon as we are in the room? You wanted to suck my dick, didn't you?'' Harry asked, grinning at me.

''Only if you finally kiss me at the hotel room. I miss your lips on mine.''

''Of course. I couldn't imagine anything better.''

The woman at the lobby seemed to like Harry a bit too much in my opinion, because she kept her considerable breasts always straight in front of his face.

Harry was not deterred by it, smiled politely at her and as soon as we had the key, he took my hand an went to our room with me.

''God, I don't like such a slutty behavior'' He mumbled, as he locked the door behind us and put off his black jacket.

''Don't want me to be willing to suck your cock?''

''No, that would be different. I certainly wouldn't say no to that'' He retorted with a smirk as he sat down on the bed and I stripped off my clothes.

A soon as I had only my underpants on, I got down on my knees in front of him, opened his pants and pulled them off.

''Wait a second'' Harry suddenly said as I was just about to take his half-hard cock in my hand.

''Did I do something wrong?'' I asked confused but he shook his head.

''I just wanted... uhm... you want that too, am I right? You're not doing this cause you think you have to or something like that, yeah? I just don't want to use you for something you don't want to do... I know we had sex but if you don't want to do something you have to tell me, okay?''

My heart beat faster and I thought it was incredibly sweet, that he worried about me.

''Everything is fine, Harry. And I would really like to try my first blowjob now, yeah?'' I answered and  before he could say something, I had licked over the tip of his dick.

A pleasant hum came over his lips and as I kissed his hardening cock he sighed softly.

I took his length slowly in my mouth as far as I could and took the rest, that didn't fit in, in my hand.

Harry gasped softly as I raised and lowered my head and moved my hand firmly up and down.

He spread his legs slightly and reached in my hair with one hand.

Lustful sounds left his mouth as I started bobbing my head quicker, choking on the feeling of his length in my throat.

He moaned my name as he dropped back onto the bed and pushed his hip upwards.

The gag reflex got worse, but I just ignored it and pushed my head further to Harry's stomach, whereupon his cock slid deeper into my throat.

It felt really strange to have something in my mouth that deep, but Harry's loud moaning made me forget everything.

''I'm-'' He wanted to warn me, but the next moment I already felt his sperm in my throat.

I quickly pulled my head back, coughing and swallowing as much of it as I could before wiping my mouth.

Harry breathed heavily as he sat up and looked at me worried.

''Everything okay?'' He asked in a harsh voice and cleared his throat quickly.

Breathing heavily too, I nodded and smiled up at him.

''Did you like it?''

''Well, I came. It wasn't bad.'' He smirked at me as I crawled onto the bed and sat down on his lap. ''It was perfect.''

Harry's red cheeks and slightly sweaty upper body made my pants tightened and I pressed my abdomen against his stomach.

''Uh... would you... like to fuck me?'' I asked totally turned on and rubbed my crotch against his body.

''Somebody needs it'' He said with a grin and undressed me completely.

His hand embraced around my length as he moistened his fingers and gently inserted them into me, while I was pulling off his shirt.

''Do you even know how hot you look right now? Ready to take my cock so well'' He whispered in my ear and kissed my neck.

I just gasped benevolently and moved on his long fingers.

''It's okay, do something'' I breathed and leaned my head against his naked chest, as he penetrated me with a push.

I moaned partly in pain, partly in pleasure as he let me sink completely on his dick.

''You are so incredibly tight'' Harry groaned loudly and started moving his hip up and down, thrusting into me harder and harder.

''I didn't g-get my k-kiss yet'' I whimpered and raised my head to press my lips against his.

He returned the kiss affectionately, but soon broke away from me as he pushed faster into me.

My moans got louder and louder and when he hit my prostate it became a mixture of screaming and wheezing.

''Who's fucking you, hm? Say my name'' He ordered and I immediately did as I was told.

''Harry'' I breathed and he groaned in ecstasy.


''Harry'' I moaned and he gave me a quick kiss.

''Louder'' He enjoined while biting my skin gently.

''Harry'' I almost shouted his name and enjoyed him sucking on my neck. ''I'm, god, I am going t-to come.''

''Don't come, love. You're allowed to come after I did, yeah?''

''B-but I'm so close...''

''Hold it.''

''Please let me come'' I begged and whimpered, as he hit my prostate again and again. ''P-please...''

Only a few seconds later I felt his cum inside of me and came all over our bodys with a loud scream.

Gasping for breath, I let myself fall against him.

''Why didn't you tell me from the beginning how incredibly randy sex is with you?''

Harry laughed softly and removed sweaty hair from my face.

''You made a big mess, Lou'' He said and looked at the sperm on our bodies.

''I don't care'' I whispered and he shook his head with a smirk.

But when someone knocked at the door out of the blue, we twitched in alarm.


Hope you liked it :)

Have you ever watched American Horror Story?
This series is confusing me so much. I really like it but some charakters are sooo strange and I've to get used to them.
And I like Tate so freaking much even if he is insane as hell lmao


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