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More complicated than expected, but fortunately Harry was there to make them.

Lottie was enthusiastic about him and asked him nothing but unimportant questions, like his favourite animal or colour.

''Did you sleep with Louis in one bed?'' She questioned as he put her a plate of pancakes and gave him an huge smile.

''Uhm... yeah'' He answered and she giggled cheerfully.

''Do you like him? LouBoo is great, isn't he?''

''Yeah, he's the greatest lad I know'' He laughed and Lottie nodded, starting to eat her pancakes with some maple syrup.

''Are you friends?''

Harry and I looked at each other for a moment before I cleared my throat and leaned forward a bit.

''Listen Lottie, it's a bit complicated. People wouldn't like it if they found out that Harry and I... like each other. So it's very important that you don't tell anyone about it, okay?'' I said urgently and she looked at me confused.

''But why? Harry is completely harmless and sweet, isn't he?''

''Yeah, that's true. But he's older and people don't like it when boys like me sleep together in one bed with men like him or spend time with them.''

''But why?''

''Because they think it's repugnant and disgusting. We just want to be together... we just wanna be friends, but that won't work if you tell somebody. So you have to keep it as a secret, okay? Not even Mum and Dad are allowed to know.''

''But I'm sure mum and dad wouldn't mind.''

''I'm... gonna tell them when the time's right, okay?''

''Okay, LouBoo.''

''You won't tell anyone, right?''

''I won't tell anyone'' She pledged, looking back and forth between Harry and me.



''Thank you, you're fantastic.'' I smiled at her and kissed her forehead. ''And now, let's have breakfast together.''

After Harry and I sat down, I gave him a quick look and his smile as he looked at me as well, made my heart beat much faster.

''Can we watch The Lion King later?'' Lottie questioned hopefully.

''Sure, I love that movie'' Harry answered and she chuckled happily.

''You're so cool. You can make pancakes and you like my favourite movie. I don't understand why someone wouldn't like you.''

''No idea, I'm breathtaking.''

''And a little too convinced of yourself'' I said and he grinned at me meaningfully.

''Yesterday you were quite convinced of me.''

''I am still. Who couldn't be convinced of you if you can make pancakes and watch Disney movies?''


What's your favourite Disney movie?


[425 Words]

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