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The days were almost unbearably long.

It seemed like it would take weeks from sunrise to sunset.

And to visit Harry again seemed impossible, because when Ralph wanted to drive me to him once, my mother caught us and since then they had been fighting all the time.

I had stopped crying and arguing with my mother. To do nothing was so much easier.

I barely talked to anyone, hardly ate and when I was at home I was sitting in my room staring at the floor.

Most of the time apathetic would be the right word to describe me.

But nobody expect Niall cared about me and so I didn't care about myself either.

''Louis? Do you know the answer for question seven?'' My politics teacher Professor Micheal tore me out of my thoughts.

My eyes shot up and I studied him. He was about fifty, with gray hair, wrinkled skin and he was not pretty, just like all the other teachers. They were all ugly. Harry was the only one who was blessed with breathtaking beauty. Harry was an angel. He hadn't done anything wrong. Nothing. I wanted to see him. Now. I wanted to kiss him and tell him how much I loved him.

''What's wrong?'' Professor Micheal suddenly asked and I noticed, that I was crying. I thought, that had stopped?

''N-nothing'' I stammered and quickly wiped my tears away. ''Nothing, can I j-just go to the toilet for a few minutes?''

''Of course, Louis, should someone accompany you?''

''No, I just want to be alone for a while'' I mumbled, stood up and left the classroom.

It did not take me long to get to the school toilets, where I locked myself in a cubicle and leaned over the loo.

I had the feeling that I had to vomit, the bile rose up my throat and I put my fingers in my mouth.

I gagged and choked and tears came to my eyes as I finally pulled my fingers out and threw up.

I was so terribly queasy and dizzy.

Spasmodically, I held on to the toilet and breathed faster and faster.

My vision blurred and I struggled to keep myself upright.

Just before I lost my balance and fell to the ground, I whispered desperately for help, but who should hear me?

My head hit the wall of the toilet cubicle and I lost consciousness.


I'm watching the series Hannibal right now and i love it omg <3


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One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now