● 45 ●

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It was pretty cold outside as I was waiting for Harry to pick me up.

I was wearing black pants and a plain white shirt, nothing special. My sisters wanted to help me with the outfit, but I really didn't want them to.

Well, they thought I was going to met Eleanor and I really didn't want to know what they would say, if they'd know that I was going to go on a date with Harry Styles.

And I didn't want to take the risk that someone of my family would see Harry, so i just stood a street further, where my parents and siblings couldn't see me, and looked around, waiting for my english teacher.

He had said he would be there at half past seven and not ten seconds after I thought that, his car turned the corner.

As he stopped next to me, I quickly got into the car and rubbed my icy hands together.

''Hi'' he breathed and looked at me totally uncertain.

''Yeah, hey. How are you doin'?''

''I'm fine and you?''

''It's so shitty cold outside. I feel like I became an icicle.''

''Yeah, winter's coming'' Harry replied, started the car and drove off.

''Do you watch Game of Thrones?'' I asked, grinning at him, which elicited him an insecure smile.

''Yeah, I do.''

Nobody said a word for the rest of the ride. But I just didn't know a topic we could talk about.

When we arrived at a nice restaurant and he escorted me to the entrance, I looked around nervously.

''Everything alright?'' He asked uneasy and I just nodded quickly.

When we entered the restaurant and Harry asked for the reserved table, the waitress looked at us suspiciously.

Luckily, she said nothing and just brought us to our place. I took off my jacket and sat down.

''Shit, I should have helped you out of your jacket or not?'' He said awkwardly and blushed.

''Sit down, Harry. Everything's okay. And I'm not a girl, right?''

''Eh... yeah... uhm...''

He sat down on the chair opposite me and took a deep breath.

When the waitress came and we ordered our drinks, Harry and I limited ourselves to water.

Alcohol wouldn't have been a good idea.

''When is your birthday?'' He broke the silence and smiled shyly at me.

''My birthday's on the 24th of December.''


''Yes. Pretty stupid. Sometimes I get a present for birthday and Christmas together.''

''That sucks.''

''Yeah, definitely.''

I smiled at him genuinely because he seemed so incredibly intimidated and unsure.

When the waitress brought us the drinks and Harry wanted to give me my glass, because she had both served him, his hand trembled so much that it was only a matter of time before anything went wrong.

And as he turned off the glass, he somehow managed to knock it over with his big hands, so all the content spread over the table and then landed on my pants.

Quickly I jumped up, grabbed a napkin and tried to get my pants reasonably dry.

Harry looked at me wide-eyed, put the glass back on and finally came to me.

''I'm so sorry'' He apologized and swallowed nervously. ''Fuck, I'm sorry I-''

''Can you please shut up?''

He immediately closed his mouth and in his eyes shimmered panic.

''Listen, that can happen to everyone. It's not a problem, yeah? Stop worrying so much about making everything perfect or not. Stop shattering yourself like this. Everything is great so far. And I enjoy being here with you, okay? I'm looking forward to the evening. Relax and enjoy it too'' I tried to calm him down, smiling at him.

''Well, I'm just... so fucking nervous'' He mumbled and bit his lips.

''Come here'' I said, knowing that everyone was looking at us that moment.


''I wanna give you a hug, come here.''

Unsure, he took a few steps toward me and I wrapped my arms around his body and leaned my head against his chest.

He hugged me clumsily and put his chin on my head.

''I like being here with you, yeah? I said I wouldn't go on a date with a person I don't like. And here we are.''


Long chapter :)

Tomorrow's Louis' birthday <3


[717 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now