● 24 ●

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Louis: maybe Styles isn't as bad as i'm always saying

Fairy: really? why?

Louis: today he told us, that he'd invite us too the cinema

Fairy: that's pretty cool! :-)

Louis: yeah it is

Fairy: which film are you gonna watch?

Louis: this new horror movie

Louis: the people who aren't already 16 had to ask their parents if it's okay and my mother said yes, so i'm going to the cinema tomorrow :)))

Fairy: and Harry pays for everyone?

Louis: yeah

Fairy: this guy has definitely too much money

Louis: haha yeah xD

Fairy: do you go to the cinema after school?

Louis: yes

Louis: i'm so excited :)))

Fairy: :-D

Louis: i gotta go now

Louis: my little sister needs help with her homework

Fairy: okay

Fairy: bye lou

Louis: bye eddie


Have you ever watched Grease?


[140 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now