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[I've been at this concert in Munich and Harry made it an unforgettable experience and memory]

The only thing that Niall's speech effected was detention, but it didn't bother me at all. I was proud of him and grateful that he stood up for me.

But what surprised me completely, when Niall and I were about to go home after our detention was an angry Liam and Zayn, who furiously shouted at a school teacher.

''You don't have the fucking right to punish them for defending themselves and expressing their opinions!''

''Listen, they insulted students and teachers-''

''No, bitch, you listen! They insulted people who deserved it so don't shit your fucking pants.''

''Excuse me Sir, how do you think you're talking to me?'' She said and raised her eyebrows.

''Well, I don't know where the standard is hiding so I'm talking on the damn low level of this school.''

When Zayn saw us, the anger disappeared from his face and he smiled lightly at us.

''Come on boys, we'll leave this fucking stupid place.''

He glared at the teacher one last time before stalking to his car with Liam, Niall and me in tow.

We got in and as soon as the car doors were closed, the Pakistani took a deep breath.

''I swear some people are so dumb'' He mumbled and let his head rest on Liams shoulder. ''How are you doing, guys?''

''We're fine'' Niall answered, giving me a confused look before talking to Zayn and Liam again. ''Sorry, but do I know you?''

''We're friends of Harry. Commissioned to tell the little babyboy that Harry loves him but he'd understand if he didn't want to wait two years for him.''

''Freaking hell, I'd wait forever if it was necessary'' I said and bit my lip.

''I don't think it is.''

''So what are we gonna do now?'' Niall asked and Zayn grinned at us.

''We decided to visit our curly baddie.''

''Baddie? This guy is a real demon'' Liam retorted and rolled his eyes.

''Yeah, love is such a crime, isn't it?''


I'm sorry this chapter is kinda short. But I wanted to update :p


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One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now