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The next morning Harry and I were laying naked and cuddled together on my bed, as we heard the annoying sound of the doorbell.

''I don't want to get up'' He mumbled, pulled me between his legs and pressed his head against mine.

''Me neither, but I have to go to the door. Maybe my mother ordered something again, probably just the postman.''

I stood up dozy, got my underpants on and went downstairs to the front door.

But when I opened it, not the postman, but my grandmother, along with Lottie, stood opposite me.

''Uhm... hi? What are you doing here?''

Lottie jumped happily grinning past me into the house, while my grandmother gave me her small, pink suitcase.

She looked at me and frowned. ''You'll catch a cold, darling.''

''I'm fine. But what are you doing here, I thought-''

''Lottie said she wanted to go home and spend Saturday and Sunday with you'' my grandma explained and smiled at me.

''But... I thought she would stay with you?'' I said nervously, glancing back, Lottie was nowhere to be seen.

''As I said, she was unstoppable and wanted to see you desperately, darling.''

''Well, okay... It was nice to see you.''

Maybe it was rude, but I just slammed the door without another word and ran upstairs.

''Lottie! Where are you? Come here, I-''

''Hey, who are you?'' I suddenly heard her high voice from my room and my heart started to race.

Oh fuck.

As fast as possible, I ran to my room, where Harry sat wide-eyed on the bed and covered his abdomen with the blanket. Lottie scrambled onto the bed and looked at him with sweet, innocent eyes.

''Hey, hey, wait, god, he's naked don't-'' I mumbled and lifted her from the bed.

''What is he doing naked in your bed?'' She asked in confusion, looking up at me.

''Well, he... uhm, he was just sleeping.''

''What's his name?''


''Is he going to have breakfast with us?''

''Well, yeah. How about, if you go downstairs? We'll come right after. Harry and I just need to discuss something.''

''Okay. Can I get pancakes, LouBoo?'' She asked as I put her on the floor.

''You'll get anything you want, yeah? Just... go downstairs and wait for us...''

Obedient, she nodded and ran out of the room.

I took a deep breath before turning to Harry.

''I don't think she's gonna tell m-my mum or dad something'' I said in a fragile voice and he nodded in silence. ''God, she won't tell anyone, yeah?''

''But if she does I'll be send to prison.''

''Nobody's gonna be send to prison, okay? She won't tell anyone and we'll just live our life as a secret couple and when I'm eighteen no one can tell us, that we aren't allowed to be boyfriends. We knew that there was a risk. W-we knew that, yeah? But, fuck, I love being around you and I love spending time with you, okay? At the beginning I didn't believe that I would like you one day, but hey, I really do. I won't let anyone tell me that this relationship is not going to work.''


Do you think Lottie is a serious threat to Louis and Harry?

Happy New Year everyone <3


[554 Words]

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