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Louis: oh my freaking god

Louis: lakgjaopapfjwofooqbf

Fairy: what has happend? :-0

Louis: haven't you heard it already?!

Fairy: no, what's going on

Louis: okay, okay i'm gonna tell you

Fairy: can't wait

Louis: today during my english lesson Styles talked about sexuality with us

Fairy: great teacher lol

Louis: don't know how it came from grammar to sexuality, but doesn't matter now

Louis: so someone asked him, what he thinks about gay people

Fairy: wow... what a question

Fairy: and that was the story?

Louis: shut up

Louis: the story starts now

Fairy: oh yeah... great i guess

Louis: shut up and listen

Fairy: i'll do

Louis: he looked at me and Niall for a moment and then he said 'how could i hate myself?'

Louis: hOw CoUld i hAte mYSeLf

Louis: that means he is gay!!


Louis: he is GAY HELL WHAT?!

Fairy: you know that you're gay right?

Fairy: nothing is special about being gay

Louis: but it's Harry!

Louis: most of the girls at our school have a crush on him

Louis: but HE IS GAY

Louis: HE IS GAY

Fairy: now all the boys who have a crush on him can dream about a relationship


Hope you're having a great day :)


[218 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now