● 22 ●

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As Harry knocked at the door i opend it and let him enter the house.

''Hey Louis'' he greeted me and smiled.

''Yeah, hi.''

''You don't sound very happy.''

Damn right dumbass.

''No, no, everything is fine.''

''Great. So we can start right now?''

''Yes'' I answered and went into the kitchen, where I had already put a piece of paper and some english exercises, from our lesson today, on the table.

''Are you alone at home?'' Harry asked interested and looked at me as he sat down on the chair beside me.

''No, you're here'' I said and took a seat.

After that we just talked about boring grammer and stuff like that.

''Can I get some water?'' Harry asked as I was working on exercises he asked me to do.

''Sure. Stand up and get it yourself.«

I knew that was impolite but i didn't care.

But Harry didn't say anything and nodded, before he got himself something to drink.

''Do you have lots of friends except Niall?'' He asked after he starred at me for some minutes.

''Why do you care 'bout something like this?''

''I just tried to start a conversation.''

''Better don't.''

''You're really rude. Has anyone ever told you that?''

''Yeah. Pretty often.''

''Did i do something wrong?''

''You're stealing my free time. I could do some things i like now but you're here and i'm doin' this awful exercises'' I spoke honestly.

''But I want you to pass your exams.''

''Yeah. Great. Thank you, my hero.''

''You're really cheeky. Remember I'm your teacher.''

''You're just an adult man who thinks he is something better than me just because he's older.''

''Are you always that sassy?''

''Are you always that annoying?''

Harry laughed and raised his eyebrows.

''Better shut up now.''

''Sure, Daddy.''

''What?'' His eyes widened and i couldn't hide the smile on my lips.

''I said sure.''

He starred at me and I starred back.

''I don't like it when some little, stupid kids call me annoying'' he said and i shrugged.

''My mum says, it's okay to tell the truth.''

I smiled at him and he slowly shook his head while he was laughing quietly.

''You need to be punished for beeing so unfriendly.''

''Yeah maybe. But I can't see anyone who is able to punish me. I can only see my english teacher who laughs when i insult him.''

''Weird teacher.''

''Yeah, really weird.''


Hope you like the chapter :) <3


[414 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now