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Unfortunately, Ralph was right.

Harry got two years and I just helplessly watched him being led away. No explanation or defense on my part could help him, because my mother said I was scared of him and felt compelled to defend Harry although I vehemently abhorred that.

I've never felt such hate for a person as I did at this moment for my mother and the judge.

My emotions were completely overflowing, I screamed at everyone in the hall, cursing and crying out my pain.

At home the days were bad, the silence seemed to crush me, but at school it was even worse.

The students insulted me as a faggot and cocksucker, I was beaten up more often than ever before in my life and the only thing I got was hate and disgusted glances.

I was the boy who had sucked the teacher's cock, the boy who willingly let himself be fucked and exploited by the teacher and extended his ass to him only to get good grades. Nobody cared about the truth.

The only ones behind me were Eleanor, Niall and even Danielle, who defended me with all their might.

Harry, who was rid of his job for all time, and I were the number one topic of all conversations, even at the staff room.

''Hey, Louis, don't worry. One day they'll all forget about this or you're done with school and can live a happy life with Harry, yeah?'' Danielle whispered as we took place in the cafeteria.

Eleanor nodded and gave me an encouraging smile.

''Let them be assholes, we will always love you and stand by your side'' Niall spoke and wrapped an arm around my waist.

Before I could answer, Peter and George, two boys from our class, came to our table.

''Hey, fag! Now that your Daddy is not here anymore you're sucking your best friends dick, aren't you? You disgusting little slut.''

They laughed as they saw my cowed face and took a step forward.

Niall stood up immediately and built up in front of.

''Stop this shit right away! Just because you are underexposed and intolerant assholes you don't have to insult someone who hasn't hurt you!''

''Looking at him hurts my eyes'' George said and grinned at my best friend.

''Yeah, really? Listening to the shit that is coming out of your mouth makes my ears bleed. Fuck off or I'm gonna punch you in your ugly faces!''

Niall was slightly red of rage and let his gaze run over all the students in the cafeteria.

''Is anyone here having something to say against my best friend? Always with it, I'll beat your brain out of your head with a baseball bat like Negan did in The Walking Dead. I can't wait to bring you to reason! And by that I mean also all damned teachers who think they've to tear their fucking mouths over Louis or Harry. Keep your fucking mouth shut. All of you. What connects the two is true love. Something that all the proletarians among you will hopefully never find!''

Niall took a deep breath before settling down next to me, putting his arm around me again and kissing my cheek. It was incredibly quiet in the room as he smiled at me amicably.

''I love you, Louis. No matter what.''


Captain Niall and his ship 💚💙


[567 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now