● 47 ●

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The second time we met I went all out.

It wouldn't make any sense, if we had to meet a thousand times somewhere and I finally understood that I wanted nothing from him.

So when he asked me if I would go on a date with him again, I said yes, but I just wanted to spend time with him at his home and cook with him.

Even if I was not really good at cooking.

But for my project that was not important.

My plan was to eat with him first and kiss him when the time was right.

I knew that was a daring move, but I just wanted to know if I liked it, when he... touched me or if I thought it was disgusting.

It was a Friday when Harry picked me up in the evening and took me to his place.

He was nervous, you could see that, but not as nervous as he had been on our first date.

Harry's house turned out to be a large, modern family home and I thought it was very pretty.

''Do you like it?'' He asked as we entered the kitchen and smiled at me.

''It's perfect. And you're living here alone?''

''Yeah, I am. Sometimes I feel lonely, but it's actually really cool here.''

''Not tonight'' I said and he frowned.

''What does this mean?''

''That means I'm going to sleep here. If you don't mind.''

With wide eyes he looked at me and I grinned.

''What... y-you wanna sleep here?'' He swallowed noticeably, when I nodded, and bit his lip. ''And your mother... I mean-''

''I'm spending the night at Nialls place. That's what she thinks.''

''Isn't it a bit early for something like that?''

''Well, Harry, I want to find out if I've feelings for you or not. And I'm very positive because you're great so far. And I would really like to sleep in your bed by your side. But I don't have to if you don't want me to.''

''No! I would actually love spending the night with you in my bed... woah that sounds weird. Whatever, I would love to. So, yeah, sure. You can sleep here.''

A smile crossed Harry's lips.


Cooking with him was quite funny. We really messed the dinner up, but none of us cared and we just ordered pizza.

Now it was time for step one. The kiss.

''So, I'd like to try something, okay?'' I said as we sat on the couch together.

Harry raised his eyebrows but nodded slowly.

''Kiss me.''

He choked on his own spit.

''A-are you serious? You want me to kiss you?''

I could hear joy but also some fear and uncertainty from his voice.

Instead of answering, I simply sat on his lap, legs apart.

''Yeah, I'd really like to kiss you'' I breathed and leaned down.

His lips were only inches from mine and I could feel his irregular breath on my skin.

His green eyes were huge as he looked up at me and carefully placed his hands on my cheeks.

''I don't want to do something that you'll regret.''

''I really want to kiss you, yeah?''

''If you say that...''

He raised his head a bit and his rough lips met mine gently.

At first, our lips were just soft on each other, but then he started to kiss me carefully and his lips moved more firmly against mine.

It felt good. Unbelievably good.

Uncertain, I began to reciprocate the kiss and slid a little closer to him.

His hands moved from my cheeks over my back to my hips and slipped under my sweater.

Goose bumps spread over my entire body and I leaned a little more towards Harry.

It was quiet in the room, only soft sounds of our kiss were heard now and then.

As I pushed my body a little harder against Harry's a gasp escaped his mouth.

''I'm sorry... we... we should stop'' He whispered between sweet kisses.

''I don't want to stop'' I replied and pressed my lips against his.

Suddenly his hands were on my bum and he pulled me closer to his chest.

I could feel Harry's hard-on as I slid forward and he groaned loudly.

''I think... we should... really stop... if you do not want this to escalate'' He gasped and pushed me gingerly from his lap.

The big bulge in Harry's jeans was pretty obvious.

''I did not mean to... I'm sorry, I did not mean to embarrass you or...'' I mumbled and Harrys face turned red.

However, I was now clearly sure that I found Harry neither disgusting nor nauseous.

I really enjoyed the kiss and everything that went with it.

''We should just go to bed'' Harry said and stood up.

He tried his best to avoid my gaze as we went to his bedroom. I hoped he did not think his excitation would bother me.

''Do you want a shirt or something?'' He asked but I denied it.

I just wanted to cuddle with him so bad. God, what was wrong with me?

So we took off our clothes, except our underwear and layed down together on his cozy single bed.

''Would you like to cuddle?'' I whispered after he had turned off the light.

''Yeah, sure'' He breathed, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me thight against his half naked body.

I snuggled into his chest, sighed and closed my eyes.

''I really enjoyed the day, Harry.''

''I enjoy every second I'm able to spend with you. Cause I love you and you mean the world to me.''

I wished I could answer it, I really did, but I couldn't.

It just did not feel right. If I told him some day, I wanted to mean it.

And I definitely didn't do that yet. But that was something to work on.

''Thank you for giving us a chance'' Harry mumbled and pressed his body against me. In his arms I felt incredibly safe and loved.

''I'm really glad I did. Goodnight, Harry.''

''Goodnight, Lou.''


Merry Christmas everyone <3

I hope you all liked the chapter. It's pretty long and a little Xmas present to everyone who's reading this. Thank you :)


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