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Louis: two minutes ago a girl impressed me with her stupidity

Fairy: uh tell me about that, i'm so bored

Louis: okay, so there is this girl from Germany called Emilia

Louis: and during my maths lesson one of my classmates called Marcel got a boner

Louis: i really don't know how, but he did and Emilia noticed it somehow

Louis: and then she said 'look at Marcel he becomes a boner'

Louis: and everyone was just like 'what the hell are you talking about girl?'

Louis: 'cause i'm pretty sure YOU CAN'T BECOME A BONER HOLY SHIT

Fairy: oh god hahahaha

Louis: i mean, i know that 'bekommen' in German, what means to get something, sounds a lot like 'become' but it's not the same!

Fairy: why do you know that?

Louis: holidays in Germany m8

Fairy: oh i see

Louis: i really can't understand how someone like her can survive in another country with a language, she can't even speak!

Fairy: same, love, same

Louis: please don't always call me love

Fairy: we can't stoooop and we won't stooop!

Louis: shut up



Do you prefer apple juice or orange juice? :)
Strange question ik xD


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One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now