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EdwardCullen: good morning

Louis: why do you always text me during my english lessons? xD

EdwardCullen: to make you think of me and not Harry

Louis: haha that doesn't work

EdwardCullen: no fucking way

Louis: lololol

EdwardCullen: is Harry able to see you?

Louis: nope

Louis: he is sitting on his chair and doing some adult stuff on his phone

Louis: i mean, he said that but Niall is sure that he is texting a girl

Louis: maybe a girl he can fuck tonight

EdwardCullen: what the hell why?

Louis: cause he always looks so nervous and has this strange smile on his lips

EdwardCullen: maybe he is just a little creep? :-)

Louis: like you

EdwardCullen: like me

EdwardCullen: wanna play a game?

Louis: sure

EdwardCullen: okay, so here are the rules

EdwardCullen: you have to say 'what if i am' and a name

EdwardCullen: what if i am Edward Cullen for example

Louis: doesn't matter wich name?

EdwardCullen: you can take any name you want

Louis: alright

Louis: what if i am Taylor Swift?

EdwardCullen: i would probably ask you to sign my underwear

Louis: ewww

EdwardCullen: ;-)

Louis: your turn

EdwardCullen: what if i'm Johnny Depp?

Louis: i would hug and kiss you 'cause i love Johnny :)))

Louis: what if i'm Channing Tatum?

EdwardCullen: i would take a selfie with you :-)

Louis: everyone would do that

Louis: he is cool :)

Louis: your turn again

EdwardCullen: what if i am Harry Styles?


What do you think is gonna happen?


[253 Wörter]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now