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On the following days, I met Harry pretty often.

Mostly we were at his house, cuddled together on his bed and shared lots of kisses.

Well, I liked it incredibly.

My body started to tingle when he touched me and only his proximity sufficed to make my heart race.

However, this weekend my parents would go to Kingston to visit relatives, and my sister Lottie would be with my grandmother.

That meant I had the whole house for myself. For myself and Harry.

It was just half past eight in the evening, as I was waiting for him to come around, because my parents and sister weren't at home anymore.

Only ten minutes later the doorbell rang and I opened the door quickly.

''Did you wait here at the entrance?'' Harry asked and smirked as he closed the wooden door.

''Well... uhm, yeah, I did.''

''You're so cute.'' He grinned, placed his hands on my hip and gave me a gently kiss.

His lips were cold and rough, because of the shitty weather outside, but I didn't mind.

The kiss was perfect anyway.

I really didn't know how Harry did it because he was my absolute hate teacher at first, but he actually managed to steal my heart gradually.

''Are you sure your parents won't come home untimely?''

''Yes, why should they?''

''I'm just afraid... What would they say if I was lying on the sofa snogging with you?''

''Better don't think about it'' I replied and smiled at him genuinely. ''Wanna watch some TV? Or are you hungry?''

''No, I'm not. Let's watch your favourite series.''

''Do you like The Walking Dead?'' I asked and he raised his eyebrows.

''Are you even allowed to watch that?''

''I don't care. Besides, I have been through six seasons.''

''Okay then'' He said and sat down with me on the sofa. ''If your parents find out about us one day, then surely they'll be even more angry because I have watched something like that with you.''

''Yeah, sure'' I retorted, laughing and shaking my head.


We had been watching TV for about two hours and were snuggling together on the couch, as Harry suddenly slipped his hand under my sweater and gently stroked my skin.

The familiar tingling spread in me and I sighed softly, before I pressed myself closer to him.

Harry carefully slipped a leg over my hip and pulled me between his legs, placing a kiss on my neck.

''I love you'' He whispered and I turned to kiss him.

Everything was almost fairytale perfect at that moment.


What's your favorite place where you spend most of your free time?


[445 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now