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Harry Pov.

Counting is quite a nice thing. I did it all the time.

I was counting the weeks, days, hours and minutes. Sometimes, when I was laying in bed and couldn't get to sleep, I even counted the seconds.

There was just one year and nine months  left till I would be free again.

''Harriet, could you please go to sleep now?'' Suddenly Herman mumbled from above and a few moments later I could see the silhouette of his head.

''I can't sleep, but don't worry I'll try.''

''That's what you say every freaking day. I'm worried. This small amount of sleep you get is obviously not healthy. You look like a zombie all the time.''

''I'll sleep in a few minutes.''

''Oh yes, you do'' He murmured, stood up and left his part of the loft bed.

''What are you doing?'' I asked and tried to figure him out in the dark.

''I'm gonna sleep, what where you expecting me to do?'' He answered as he lay down next to me onto the bed.

''What the hell are you doing?'' I questioned as he just loosely wrapped an arm around me and pulled the blanket over his body.

''Sleeping next to you, like friends do.''

''Though you said I'm not allowed to touch you.''

''I said nothing about me touching you. Now stop talking and fucking get some sleep. You need it.''

''You're acting cute, you know?'' I said with a small smile as I snuggled up to him and closed my eyes.

''Cute as always.''

''Oh yeah, your second name is literally cute.''

''Shut up, Harriet'' He laughed and leaned his head against mine.

We were quiet for some time until a thought crossed my mind.


''Yeah'' He whispered and groaned in frustration. ''I thought you were already sleeping.''

''I miss him.''

''Your boyfriend?''

''Yes... what if he doesn't miss me.''

''Then he wouldn't deserve you. But I'm sure he is as sad and tired of having to live without the person he loves as you are. And I'm pretty sure he is missing you as much as you miss him.''

''Thank you, I'm really happy to have you as a friend, Herman.''

''Don't be that gay and corny.''

''I mean it.''

''Same here.''

''Oh come on, I'm just saying I'm happy to have someone like you by my side.''

''I'm happy to be friends with you too. And now you're going to sleep or I'll kill you, okay?''

''Yes, Sir.''

''That's what I want to hear'' He mumbled and a smile krept on my lips. ''Oh and Harry? I wanna get to know your precious boy one day.''


I'm working on my second english book right now. Hopefully I can release it soon :)


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