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Harry Pov.

It was one of these days when you just want to jump off a bridge and make the pain stop.

Herman and I went for breakfast together and spent the rest of the day together as usual.
In our cell, I watched him doing sport or slept a little. It was the same boring shit every day.

It was just a trifle that distinguished this dreary Wednesday from the others.

A call. I was finally able to call Louis today.

My heart pounded violently as I typed his number under the watchful eye of the guards and waited with a smile on my lips for him to pick up his phone.

"Hello," his voice sounded amam the other end of the line. It seemed like months had passed since I last heard something from him.

"Hey," I replied in a trembling voice, clutching the phone.

''Harry? Is that you?''

''Yeah, how are you doing?'' I said and bit my lip.

''Well, I got a lot of homework to do. Our english teacher is the worst of all time. I swear I miss you as my annoying professor'' He laughed and his words made me smile.

''I miss you too. Are you gonna visit me this weekend?''

''Probably not, I'm sorry. Phil asked me to go on a concert on Saturday. The Fray is in London again you can't believe how happy I was when he told me that he has tickets.''

''Oh... cool, I guess. Who's Phil again?''

''The boy I told you about last week. He's the new one in our class. What about you? Are you doing well?''

''Yeah, everythings okay'' I answered, clearing my throat. ''And this Phil is your friend, I mean... like Niall?''

''Oh lord, are you jealous?'' Louis giggled. ''You're such a dumbass. And yeah, calm down, he's a friend like Niall. Did you really think I'd love another man?''

''Well, I'm old.''

''Hm yes but I love you, Daddy. Don't worry I'd always suck your dick, even if you're old and hairy.'' I could hear him opening a book and laughing quietly. ''For real chill your balls, Harry. You'll be out of prison in a few weeks and I couldn't be happier. Hey, speaking of being a free man without a job and home. Guess who has saved money for you over the years and never told you about because he knew you would say he should shut the fuck up? It's good looking and absolutely brilliant Louis William Tomlinson.''

''Damn yes, I'd have told you to stop! I won't take that money. I've got savings.''

''And it should stay that way. After you've said I should sell your villa I looked around for nice apartments in a small town and found a really cool one. I'm pretty sure you'll like it. And it is far away from our old life, I swear to you, nobody there will know us and we can lead a completely normal life. I also asked for a job in a café and the guy there said I could work there. And I get along very well with the daughter of a teacher at the resident elementary school. Maybe you could get a job there when we explain to them what happened to us. I'm so excited to have you back, Harry. I can't wait to have a normal life with you.''

''Thank you for everything you are doing for us'' I whispered in a stifled voice. ''I love you.''

''Love you too. Gotta go now, see you soon. Bye, Eddie.''

''Bye, love.''


I assume that the story will be over in a few chapters :)

Have a nice day

[616 Words]

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