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[For laylasWorld nezzieblack241 and asdfghjkl69321]

There was an awkward silence between us, as we drove to an hotel and went to our room, after Harry paid for it.

He didn't even look at me, just stared at the floor, avoiding any eye contact.

None of us had taken pajamas or toothbrushes with us, so I just went to the bathroom to pee.

But when I came back to the room I stopped like I was rooted to the spot.

Harry sat on his side of the bed and cried.

Soft sobs escaped his mouth and he pressed his lips together to stop making noises.

As he looked up and saw me, he quickly wiped away his tears and stood up.

''I... I just...'' He stuttered and buried his face in his hands for a moment.

Suddenly I felt bad for being such an unfriendly idiot.

Maybe kissing me was wrong, but he really did regret it.

''I won't tell anyone about what happened tonight, if that's the reason why you're... crying, yeah?''

''No, it's not the cause, but thank you nonetheless'' He replied in a fragile voice and tried a smile. ''Lets just sleep now and go home tomorrow.''

''Yeah'' I nodded and and we went to bed together.

I pulled the blanket up to my chin and took a deep breath as Harry switched off the light.

There would have been room for a third person between us.

As if he was afraid to come too close. And who could blame him for that, after I was yelling at him like that before?

''Goodnight'' I whispered, not sure what to say, but I just wanted to fill the silence that had appeared again.

''Sweet dreams'' He mumbled and I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the quiet sobs, as he started crying again.


The next day, we woke up early and headed home.

We did not say much and just listened to music while driving.

I texted Edward, but didn't get a response. Maybe he had something to do.

I was incredibly happy when we finally arrived at my house, since I did not want to spend a second longer with Harry.

He accompanied me to the front door and shortly after I had rung the doorbell my mother opened.

''Hey dear'' She greeted and huggend me with a smile.

''Hi mum.''

Harry just stood behind us with his hands in his pockets.

''Thank you for bringing Louis to the concert'' My mother thanked him and he smiled weakly.

''You're welcome.''

''Don't you want to thank Harry?'' She asked me, as if I was a small, naughty child.

''Thank you, Harry. It was... nice.''

''Nothing to thank for, I would always do it for you.''

He blinked hard, then turned and walked back to his car.

And I quickly entered the house and closed the door, before seeing him drive away.


Have you ever been in love?


[492 Words]

One Way Or Another || Larry Stylinson FFWhere stories live. Discover now