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Nick and Cara kept looking at each other all the time and I was really glad that they were so happy, even though I didn't know them.

But I could always feel Zayn's eyes on me and felt tolerably uncomfortable.

I gulped down the food quickly, though it was actually really good, and hoped Harry and I would leave soon.

Unfortunately, that was not the case.

He was approached by people all the time, chatting with them and I just stood there indifferently.

''Are you bored too?''

Surprised, I turned around and looked straight at Liam's face.

He had an arm around Zayn, who had sullenly crossed his arms and looked at me.

''Well, I don't know anybody here. And Harry seems to know everyone.''

Liam laughed and took a sip of champagne from the glass he held in his hand.

''And you can't snog around, it must be really terrible for you'' Zayn said and Liam rolled his eyes.

''You should also drink some alcohol, grouch.''

''I'm not a grouch. I'm just worried about Harry. I certainly won't visit him in jail.''

''First, you would visit him and second, he is a grown man and knows what he is doing.''

''Allright, but Louis is not a grown man and obviously doesn't know what he's doing'' Zayn replied and Liam shook his head with a grin and kissed his cheek.

''I'm sure they know, what they're doing. Don't worry, babe.''

The black-haired man sighed and smiled briefly at me. ''If I find out, that you're taking advantage of him, I'll kill you.''

''As I said, I would never take advantage of him'' I retorted and he nodded slowly.

''Take care of the curly princess, yeah?''

''Who is a curly princess?'' Harry suddenly said behind me and put an arm around my waist.

''Have you already talked to everyone and have finally time for your garden gnome?'' Liam questioned and my boyfriend frowned.

''He's an ant not a garden gnome'' Zayn interfered.

''Microorganism'' Harry grinned.

''Okay, can you please stop making fun of my size?'' I mumbled a little bit annoyed and he stroked through my hair.

''Don't be mad, dwarf.''

''Shut up, titan.''

''Calm down, you irascible chick'' Zayn uttered and rolled his eyes.

We stared at each other silently before I released my eye contact and he grinned triumphantly.

''I wanted to ask you, if you could bring me and Lou to the hotel next to the railway station'' Harry changed the subject and Liam raised his eyebrows.


''No, later. We'll stay a little longer.''

Oh, some more time here.



Do you like weddings?


[442 Words]

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